--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <no_reply@> > >
> > I seem to recall one of Krishna's criteria for a true
> > yogii/yoginii is that s/he is "jitendri-yaH/-yaa"
> > (jita + indriya-). I guess that means that one has
> > to have conquered the indriyas. I think johnson
> > is one of the karmendriyas (karma + indriyas), so if one
> >  is not able to spank the monkey, and so on.... :0
> And I have seen Urdhva-retas (sp)  mentioned on for accomplished (aka
> awakened) yogis-- "energy always flowing upwards". I suspect that
> accomplished yogis can keep the energy always flowing upwards while
> having sex. Something students can't do. Thus the recommendation /
> stipulation of celibacy for students.
> The article(s) on Muktananda provided some fuel for speculation in
> this direction -- that is, yogi sex is not what most people think of
> as sex. That is, he had sex with a flacid penis.
> And accomplished tantrics appear to be able to do special, unusual and
> "fantastic" things with energy during sex -- which may not involve
> energy release or downward flow.

Could be added to the "Rogue Yogi's Book of Pick-up Lines"

"My energy is always flow-upwards. Even sex does not effect this. Care
to have me prove it?" 

Later ...
("Damn baby, this is the FIRST time the energy has changed directions
and went downwards-- and out. Well it must be because you are so
beautiful and spiritual.")


"My energy is always flow-upwards. Even sex does not effect its upward
flow. You look so spiritual. I bet the same is true for you."

"Really? (giggle)"

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