--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> In a message dated 5/25/06 10:10:19 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
> I agree;  we are a culture that is quite addicted to violence and
> dysfunctional  behavior...
> It's not just the government, but the whole culture:
> Look at  what passes for entertainment- it's getting more and more
> over the  top..
> I worry about the kids growing up in this pollution.
> Their  attitudes toward sex; their attitude toward humanity;
> Their level of  compassion.
> We've seen the enemy and it is us.
> We, as a nation, weren't always like that. I started life at a  time
> people could leave their houses  unlocked,

I still do. Have in my last three homes.

What?! Texas is not such a paradise?

>neighbors actually
> knew each other and helped each other,

still very much well and alive in many areas. Sorry to hear its not in

teen pregnancy rare,  out of wedlock
> birth even rarer,

In the 60's we had 2-3 in my class. Girls usually left school. Shame,
lots of whispering and crude jokes about the girl. Today, girls go to
school, proud to be (becoming) mothers, taking pre-natal classes.
Seems much healthier today.

fathers took care of their families,

Still do. Any fathers here NOT take care of their  families? 

> mothers  didn't need to
> work outside the home,

My mom didn't NEED to work, but when I was about 12, she wanted to.
She said she didn't want to JUST play tennis and lunch. She started
her own business in the early 60's. It grew to 400 employees and
recognized as a leader in its field. I was / am way proud of my mom.
Great inspsiration and role model. I prefered her working over
stay-at-home moms who - at least some -- seemed to be going bored,
obessive about kids, and lives focussed on the trivial.

taxes were low,

HAHAHAHAHA. Where have you been??? Marginal tax rates were up to 70%.
Today they are 32%.

and  overall crime rates were low.

On a personal level, I don't see much of a change. In some ways
"scarier" then. Brainless greasers cruising in over-charged cars.
Overt racism (in northern california). Strong gender bias. Smoking
everywhere -- theatres, church, classrooms (college), etc.

> not saying life was perfect then and we  were without faults but
things sure
> have changed since  then.

Yes. We now have the internet, Ipods, DVDs, HI Def color TV and big
screens (compared to low res B&W of my youth), cars that pollute 97%
less (still a ways to go), cleaner air, claner water, greater equality
among races, creeds and gender, many spiritual paths readily available
and "acceptable", and inflation adjusted percapita income 4-6x what it
was then, viagra, lipitor, and many "wonder" drugs, curable cancers,
health food stores everywhere, rising collective consciousness (:)), etc.

Wow, I fail to grok your POV.

All I can say is that the music 66-71 was better than now. :)

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