In a message dated 6/1/06 8:39:14 A.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
--- In, Robert Gimbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>+++ Is it odd not to see some comment on such news or, did I miss
something somewhere here?  N.
> Note: forwarded message attached.
> ---------------------------------
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> *Feds: 3 dead as U.S., French agents seized British evidence in covered
> up Capitol Hill gunfight*
> *Police, media silence sought as Bush officials turned Rayburn parking
> garage into temporary auto-body shop*
> /by Tom Flocco///
> *Washington---May 31,*Bush administration
> officials operated Memorial Day weekend damage control to cover up the
> deaths of three foreign intelligence operatives---two British and one
> French---involved in a Friday morning shootout in the House of
> Representatives parking garage.
> The altercation turned into an exchange of automatic weapons fire
over a
> pouch containing evidence files documenting an operation to bomb the
> rail system along the Northeast corridor on Thursday---with the full
> knowledge of George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair who
> was in Washington while the operation was being hatched.
> Teams of U.S.-French alliance (AFA) operatives---including CIA, NSA and
> FBI agents committed to holding the Bush administration accountable for
> criminal activities---had been electronically monitoring a British
> who they determined to be the leader of a black ops bombing plot
> for the purpose of disrupting northeast rail traffic via a fake
> terrorist attack.
> Federal agents revealed that a taxi cab left the Rayburn building
> parking garage with three body bags just after the shootout which was
> covered up by Capitol Hill police on instructions from Bush officials
> who were in contact with television executives and House/Senate leaders.
> The agents had followed the British operative into the Rayburn parking
> garage where the shootout occurred according to longtime federal
> whistleblower Stewart Webb <> and intelligence
> authority Thomas Heneghan both of whom confirmed the whole incident via
> several of Webb's 22-years worth of inside federal sources with further
> corroboration by several more U.S and French intelligence agents to
> Heneghan spoke.
> Evidence files proving the bombing operation were seized after an
> Israeli intelligence agent had reportedly tipped off the Brit who was
> being pursued by AFA agents which resulted in several House and staff
> members experiencing shot-out automobile windshields and doors sprayed
> with bullet holes in the ensuing weapons exchange, the two told
> /
> Heneghan told us this evening that hundreds of shots were fired from
> automatic weapons during the gunfight causing reasonably extensive
> damage, and that one female House staffer fainted in the hall after
> encountering one of the agents being sought by Capitol police during
> Rayburn lockdown.
> Formal protests and reports were exchanged by the British and French
> governments while Mr. Bush was provided with the full reports of the
> incident now classified under arcane U.S. intelligence regulations to
> further sequester the evidence from the American people.
> Washington news outlets are reportedly being discouraged from filing
> Freedom of Information Act lawsuits to acquire the evidence and reports.
> Webb was speaking to an intelligence source within a half hour after
> shootout on Friday morning just as we called to find out if he had
> that the Rayburn parking garage and Capitol complex were being
> temporarily sealed off to keep tourists, House members and staffers
> from the scene and evidence of damaged vehicles, concrete walls and
> Capitol police told the media that the gunfight sounds were caused by
> apparent construction equipment which may have sounded like shots being
> fired in the parking garage, but no reports indicate the nature of the
> construction scheduled for that day at the Rayburn building and for
> purpose, but also why the police launched a four-hour Rayburn lockdown
> and floor-by-floor search of the largest office structure on Capitol
> According to U.S. intelligence agents close to the incident, the media
> fell for the Bush-ordered Capitol police damage control "lock, stock
> barrel."
> *Federal agents had planned to arrest Tony Blair*
> We were told that French and U.S. agents are familiar enough with the
> Rayburn building that they were able to leave inconspicuously and
> without notice after seizing the evidence; however, the Israeli agent
> who tipped off the British agent with the evidence was the subject
> sought during the Rayburn lockdown, but someone in the building helped
> him escape.
> AFA operatives had planned to arrest Prime Minister Blair to appear
> before the Patrick Fitzgerald grand jury to explain doctored
> British-Iraq War weapons of mass destruction evidence according to the
> intelligence sources.
> Federal agents said Blair was spirited to Andrews Air Force base after
> the shootout, reportedly "white as a sheet," while screaming "they
> do this" as he entered the jet under military escort back to the United
> Kingdom.
> George W. Bush was worried enough about intelligence reports of Blair's
> impending arrest that air force pilots and aides were not told the
> identity of the passenger to be flown to the U.K. in order to foil any
> last minute attempt to arrest the Prime Minister for war crimes under
> the North Atlantic treaty, they said.
> *Rayburn building auto-body repair shop*
> "After agreeing to keep their mouths shut and being offered ten times
> their normal pay as a prerequisite for the mission,several auto
> repairmen were flown from Albuquerque, New Mexico on Friday evening via
> private jet, blindfolded, then taken to the Rayburn parking garage to
> repair vehicles involved in the British-French gunfight," said Webb who
> spoke to intelligence sources declining to be named.
> "The license plates were removed and the auto-body workers were told it
> was a secret operation and* they were in Quebec, Canada*," he said.
> It is not known whether federal agents attempted to compromise workers
> on the evening before the Saturday garage cleanup via secret
> with prostitutes to further insure their silence in a manner similar to
> U.S. congressmen and senators,
> <> said Webb.
> Given the damage to personal vehicles, it may be problematic forcing
> Democrat and Republican staffers---for personal if not historical
> reasons---not to tell family and friends about how their cars were
> repaired over the weekend after a Capitol Hill gunfight which never
> occurs in a congressional office building.
> The French government was told by the Bush administration that they
> would have to pay the bill for the shootout damage; however, they
> reportedly refused to do so and sent it back advising that the
> administration would have to pay the bill, leaving historical questions
> as to whether American taxpayers had to foot the bill for the first
> multi-foreign government shootout at the Capitol since perhaps the War
> of 1812.
> Questions surrounding knowledge of the real events of the incident by
> Capitol police, White House correspondents and Capitol Hill reporters
> also comes into play, given evidence of damaged and repaired vehicles,
> parking garage concrete walls and pillars, body putty and fresh paint
> odors, the lockdown of the parking garage and availability of vehicles
> at the scene to their owners either right away or later in the weekend.
> More importantly---and historically, the event confirms evidence of an
> ongoing under-the-radar-screen war on U.S. soil between presidential,
> British and Israeli agents clashing with French and American agents
> holding Mr. Bush accountable for criminal actions obstructed by House
> and Senate members compromised by "freezer cash" bribes, stolen HUD
> property payoffs, prostitutes and other "control file" threats from
> White House crime families.
> Public revelations that the state of the Bush administration is such
> that banana republic style gunfights involving foreign government
> operatives in Capitol legislative buildings would graphically prove Mr.
> Bush's loss of control and ability to govern---hence a massive police,
> media and official cover-up was of necessity essential to maintain his
> presidency.
> Some might consider the Rayburn gunfight a modern day time capsule
> replay of 1776 and the War of 1812---same players with the addition of
> Israel.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Quebec---May 26, alliance shuts
> down power to prevent NE train derailment---*In an ongoing series of
> unpublicized confrontations between intelligence factions within the
> U.S. government, power grids in Quebec were shut down by agents within
> the U.S. and French governments to prevent what was reported to be an
> attempt to stage train derailments along the Northeast corridor between
> New York and Washington, DC to blame on "al Qaeda terrorists,"
> to agents who spoke with national security expert Thomas Heneghan. The
> power grid shutdown coming out of the French-Canadian province was said
> to have prevented American trains from crashing into one another or
> major rail stations. This specific information came directly from the
> team of U.S. and French operatives who spoke with Heneghan on Thursday.
> The U.S. media will not report that the outage occurred via Quebec and
> that several operatives of Indian descent were taken into custody for
> questioning as possible culprits by U.S. marshals in Connecticut. This
> is not the first time the French have come to the aid of Americans who
> remember General Lafayette at Valley Forge in 1776, French troops who
> helped stop the British from burning down the U.S. Capitol Building in
> the War of 1812---after which U.S. forces sacrificed thousands on the
> Normandy beaches to liberate France in World War II. It's no accident
> that the French are protecting the safety of U.S. citizens instead of
> America's Bush-bribed and blackmailed, prostitute compromised Congress.

But but But... where was the man on the grassy knoll?

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