--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wayback71" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer <fairfieldlife@>
> >
> > on 6/5/06 10:24 AM, TurquoiseB at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer
> > > <fairfieldlife@> wrote:
> > >>
> > >> Patti Boyd: My life as a muse
> > >
> > > The muse sayeth:
> > >> But you have to cut yourself a bit of slack in the end,
> > >> I think. I certainly wouldn't have lived through any
> > >> other era. People blame the 1960s for just about
> > >> everything these days, but it was the decade when all
> > >> that post-war furtiveness and small-mindedness was
> > >> finally blown open and opportunity really came
> > >> knocking."
> > >
> > > Well said. It was an interesting era to live through.
> > > I don't know who here is old enough to remember the
> > > 1950s and what it was like growing up in them. We're
> > > talking 'duck and cover.' We're talking people brag-
> > > ging about the size and quality of the fallout
> > > shelters they just built in the back yard. It was
> > > not a happy time, no matter how many neocons think
> > > it was and want to return us to that mindset.
> >
> > I'm old enough (56) to remember air raid drills in grammar school
in which
> > we'd assemble in the hallway and cover our heads with our hands
(as if that
> > would protect one from an atomic bomb) and the local lumber
company had a
> > fallout shelter for sale, prominently displayed on the main
street. We used
> > to play in it.
> 50's:  I remember lining up for polio shots at school, the smell of
the toner for
> mimeograph machines (no copying machines yet), black rotary phones

Remember telephone exchanges?  My family's number
in New York City was MOnument 3-8195.

, and a friend whose
> older sister got pregnant before marriage - scandal.  If a father
hadnot served in the war,
> no one ever asked why, it was considered embarrassing.  I recall
the excitement when
> sugar free soda first came out.
> >

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