In a message dated 6/15/06 6:07:00 A.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Ironically, these sorts of super corridors will be the very death of the country.

Perfect way for sending in a Trojan Horse.

I would much rather have commerce flowing along a specific corridor than crossing the border any place and going any direction there after. I'm sure it will be much like a toll road in that in order to get off or on you would have to go through a toll booth or someplace where documents can be verified or cargo can be  inspected if necessary. This sounds more like a typical union issue to me, being made into something else. I'm sure there was a group of people that resented horseless carriages being introduced to the nations roads. My God , they are loud, they scare the horses and mules, the chickens will stop laying, and the cows will dry up! Not to mention the accidents they cause. Now who is progressive and regressive here?
----If you had said something different M, I would have freaked, lost my footing, and maybe hit my head on something in surprise. 
I don't suppose you find that the new supercorridor may well destroy all livelihood flowing from Mississippi River ingress/egress, I don't suppose you might find this the plan of a solipsistic Texan who really believes that Texas should control all ingress/egress to/from the US, or that such a plan will ipso facto create an almost omnipotent border control state of Texas, able to smuggle anything into the country as it wishes without any sort of check or balances.
No you wouldn't consider those ideas because Bush can do no wrong.
I don't suppose you might wonder how easy/difficult it may become to cross from East/West West/East across this huge mega road, thus effectively dividing the country into two.
So many questions that I have, but no answers from responsive governmental persons I'm sure will ever be forthcoming, because the government has ceased to listen to the people in except insofar as how they can illegally spy on them. 
Naw, could never happen.  

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