Title: From Kirk

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Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2006 10:43:13 -0500
To: Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Hey

Hey, don't mind me. Coming and going.  I think I found what I needed to know. Basically that Maharishi isn't really focused on except insofar as his escapades. At the newsgroup. And that the Huntsville course will be going on simultaneous to some other of my courses. Therefore an auspicious few months to practice more.

I woke up at 2:00 am last night and started ranting. I wrote a few posts. Then I had a horrible headache. I did some practices and went back to sleep.

I had two clear dreams. In the first, my wife whom I love threw my precious one faced rudraksha mala and four one faced broke off of the strand. I picked them up in my hand and started yelling at her, like why? How could you do this? That sort of thing.  

After waking and doing some practice I understood this meaning. TMO, my love of sorts, threw what I found precious and broke it, and there I was ranting at Maharishi whom I perceived to be the cause of that.  

And then this other dream. I was driving, and turning a corner, and then the window got so small that I thought I was driving backwards, and I panicked, and then the window ceased and became a partition which was close to my face and black and my vision got dark, and I felt like I was suffocating, which is when I yelped and woke up.

After meditating this morning I realized that I had narrowed my view to near darkness and felt backward.

The two dreams coming back to back seem therefore related and mean to me that I blame Maharishi for atavistically backsliding his Movement, but that also my point of view is very limited and even suffocating.

Thus I cannot trust my own point of view to be open or wholistic. And since I cannot trust myself with regards to Maharishi, I cannot post at this group at present, because I don't wish to say useless things. Time is too precious. I prefer to spend it where my words are not going to cause confusion or conflict.

And then though I did some I-ching on the subject and asked about the Movement and it said, "Darkening of the Light."  So I can't really be a part of that.

So peace and thanks. I'll always be around one way or the other. That is, until I won't be. No path is separate from the ground of being. If I have said so then I was being ignorant.  

TTYL - Love Kirk

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