We have all been had!

Posted: March 22, 2002
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Sharon Nader Sloan

Did you know that there was never any country called Palestine? Did 
you know that there is no such thing as a Palestinian people? 

The ideas that the West Bank and Gaza are occupied Palestinian land, 
and that the Palestinian people are fighting for their land, have 
been accepted by most of the governments of the world and by most of 
the media in the world. But if you read on, you will see that these 
two claims are the biggest lies ever deliberately perpetrated on 

Check out any map of the Middle East and see for yourself. You will 
find Palestine listed as a region as it always has been, but 
definitely not a country. We can locate the Mojave Desert on the 
map, but we still do not recognize it as our 51st state, let alone a 
country. Similarly, the region of Siberia is a region not a state. 
Or the Sahara is a region not a state, etc. Neither is Palestine a 
state. It never was a country, just a region. 

Importantly, the Jews did not displace anyone, because no one 
permanently resided there. It was a land inhabited by nomadic, 
Bedouin tribes. The whole region was nothing but deserts and swamps. 
Only about 120,000 Arabs resided in an area that covered the 
territories, the state of Israel and Jordan. When Mark Twain visited 
the area, he wrote he found nothing but a wasteland. 

During the 19 years that the territories – including Jerusalem and 
Gaza – were occupied by the kingdoms of Jordan and Egypt, no one 
talked about a Palestinian state … not the Arab countries, not the 
United Nations. Nobody asked Jordan or Egypt to abdicate their 
ownership and give it to the Palestinians. Not even the Palestinians 
themselves said anything about a Palestinian state or a Palestinian 
people, because nobody heard of a Palestinian people. It never 

The fact simply is that there are no Palestinians. These people are 
Arabs like all other Arabs, and they happen to live in a region 
called Palestine. They are not a separate people. 

What makes a separate people? Religion, language, culture, garb, 
cuisine, etc. The Arabs in Palestine speak the same language, 
practice the same religion, have the same culture, etc., as all the 
other Arabs. The few minor differences that exist between them are 
like the minor differences that exist between the Welsh, the Scots, 
and the Londoners. They are still all Britons. Yankees and 
Southerners have the same minor differences, but they are still all 
Americans. People in the south of France are quite different from 
the people in the north, but they are still all French. These 
inconsequential differences do not make a people. 

The Arabs living in Syria or Jordan, etc., are also the same Arabs, 
but they are each a separate nation because they each have a 
separate country. The so-called Palestinians want a separate country 
because they claim to be a separate nation. They are not. They were 
never a separate people before the new state of Israel. How did they 
become one now? 

Because of these lies, the so-called Palestinians feel justified in 
sending suicide bombers to kill women, children, babies, old men, 
old women and noncombatant citizens. Because of these lies, the 
United Nations and the media of the world are condemning Israel who 
is acting less harshly than any other country would act in 
retaliation for such heinous attacks. What is the United States 
doing in Afghanistan, a totally foreign country? Killing 
Afghanistanis. Why? Because they attacked us on Sept. 11. I 
understand this. But why do they not understand that that is exactly 
what Israel is doing, only on a much smaller scale? 

Ask yourself this: Should the use of terror ever be rewarded? When 
is the use of terrorism justified as a military tactic? As a 
political tactic? As an economic tactic? What implications does this 
hold for future conflicts? 

Let us examine the truths here: 

1) There never was a Palestinian state or a Palestinian nation. 
There are no Palestinian people, per se. Rather, these are Arabs 
living in a region that historically has been called many things, 
including "Palestine." 

2) Israel did not go to war against a Palestinian state and occupy 
its land. Rather, Israel was attacked by six Arab countries at once. 
She defended herself, defeated her attackers, and won the so-called 
territories, not from the Palestinians, but from Jordan and Egypt. 

3) Jerusalem was never the capital of any state but Israel. It was 
certainly never the capital of a country that never existed. Why 
should the Palestinians get any part of it? Because they want it? 
Because they have terrorists? 

4) Jerusalem, under the current Israeli control, is a free and open 
city. Israel, as a democracy, guarantees freedom of religion within 
its borders. Contrast this fact with areas that have come under 
Palestinian occupation. What percentage of Christians have left in 
recent years because they cannot stand the harassment and 

5) Most Arabs living in Palestine today are not indigenous to the 
region. It was not until after the Jews had changed deserts and 
swamps into a productive and thriving land that the Arabs started 
migrating there. Arafat himself was born and raised in Cairo, Egypt. 
Did you know that? 

The belief that giving the Palestinians a state will bring peace is 
a delusion. The truth is that they want it all. The short-term goal 
is a state consisting of the West Bank and Gaza. The long-term goal 
is a state which includes all of "historical Palestine," including 

How do I know this? 

The late Faisal Husseini, Arafat's Jerusalem representative, a man 
who was cultured, sophisticated and considered the most moderate of 
all the Palestinians, shortly before his death on May 31, 2001, 
expressed his true feelings in an interview with the popular 
Egyptian newspaper el Arav. Husseini said: "We must distinguish the 
strategies and long-term goals from the political-phased goals which 
we are compelled to accept due to international pressures." But 
the "ultimate goal is the liberation of all of historical 
Palestine." Explicitly he said: "Oslo has to be viewed as a Trojan 

He even added and clarified that it is the obligation of all the 
Palestinian forces and factions to see the Oslo Accords 
as "temporary" steps, as "gradual" goals, because in this way, "We 
are setting an ambush for the Israelis and cheating them." He also 
differentiated between "strategic," long-term, "higher" goals, 
and "political" short-term goals dependent on "the current 
international establishment, balance of power" etc. 

All of historical Palestine! Does not this include all of Israel and 
all of Jordan? 

What does this say to you? 

Unless the Arabs recognize and accept these truths, even if they are 
given a state of their own, and no matter how many agreements and 
treaties they sign, they will always feel wronged, cheated, and 
forced into giving up what they now claim is theirs. They will 
continue to plot and look for an opportunity to destroy Israel in 
order to take back what they claim is theirs, especially the younger 
generation that has been brainwashed to hate the "occupying enemy." 
Whether there is a Palestinian state or not, there will be no peace. 

Only a massive and ongoing re-education of the Arab people to these 
truths will enable meaningful negotiations to begin, followed by a 
lasting peace between Arabs and Jews. It is therefore critical that 
everyone who has an audience, whether in print or other media, use 
the forum they have available to repeat these truths again and again 
until they reach the consciousness of those waging war in the Middle 

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