On Jul 13, 2006, at 12:42 PM, new.morning wrote:

Firest, I would have sued the construction companies for an initial

outrageous sum. Then held tight aand ranted and raved about knowing

the governor, disturbing the laws of nature. And would make a small

donation to the local church for padre support and pressure. Then when

the construction compnaies made an attractive offer to pay "damages"

and reduced hours of blasting, I would have countered with triple

their figure as compensation, yet allowing them to increase their

hours of blasting 50%. With 12 hours to accept. Hard close. Done! 

Have you ever considered going into sales?

Then I would lecture the CPs that noise was no barrier to

transcending, and consciousness did not disappear with noise. And that

those with strong experiences, those who were more evolved and closer

to CC, actually thrived on rounding in noise -- that each blast was a

thrill of bubbling bliss. 

Have you ever considered going into MANTRA sales? :-)

And then I would double the price the nosiest rooms. And laugh at the

long scramble for them and long waiting list.

You may have a future as a guru.

Jeez, didn't you guys learn ANYTHING on your courses and time around



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