On Jul 17, 2006, at 6:21 AM, Robert Gimbel wrote:

A number of 'pundits' including Newt Gingrinch, have said that this 

escalation in Israel, is the beginning of WWIII.

What do people think of this analysis?


There was a famous high Lama from Tibet here in the US on Sept. 11, 2001. They just happened to have the TV on when the planes hit the world trade buildings and he commented then "This is the beginning of WW 3". His students immediately asked him to not say any more, because being omniscient, what he said always came true.

It could very well be the beginning of WW 3. But what they're not telling us is that this war IS a religious war. Also consider this: the Russians are not on our side, nor is China. And we have a large part of our economy tied up in China since they let us use their slave labor.

If you'd like I'll repost the article on what this lama said and what the Kalachakra prophecies say (it's by his translator). It's not for the faint of heart, the PC or those who think all religions are good, some just have a few bad apples.

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