
John Lennon + Yoko Auspicious!

When John Lennon met Yoko Ono in 1966, he was already a superstar with the Beatles and she had achieved moderate success as an avant-garde conceptual artist.

The media reported that they fell madly in love. Truer to the point is that he was completely bowled over by her - as revealed in the Marriage Compatibility Test below. The "Working-Class Hero" dumped his wife Cynthia and surrendered to a woman seven years older than him, and twice-divorced!

The age gap reversal is the first point of incompatibility. The Vedic texts condemn marriage between an older woman and a younger man because it brings on destructive consequences. Anybody tempted to make light of this prohibition should examine John's life, before and after, the way it ended, and how the relationship contributed to the break-up of the Beatles as a group.

John was the idol of millions of hopeful fans all over the world. But he was no longer the man he used to be after he married Yoko in 1969. It was a lopsided match. She was the much stronger person and completely overwhelmed him.

The Vedic texts state that for marital felicity, the male must be equal to or superior to the female. In this relationship, it is the other way round - as revealed by the Test. Witness the lopsided configuration in subtests 2 and 11 below - Manusha (human) versus Rakshasa (demoniac), and Shudra (working class) versus Brahmana (intellectual). (The behaviourial patterns corresponding to these terms are explained in detail in our Lunar Profile sample report)

The full range of John's talents and abilities was submerged in this relationship where he adored and looked up to her for direction, even in intellectual areas. He relinquished the running of his music business empire to her. The prolific songwriter even devoted time to grooming her to be a partner in his act. His devotion bore fruit in the Plastic Ono Band - which is widely acclaimed as John's best post-Beatle album. Incidentally, in one of the tracks he wrote for this album, John aspires to be the "Working Class Hero" - hailing to his working class background and emphasising the output of subtest 11 on Varna (occupational inclination).

About the only area where this couple were on equal footing was in the bed (recall the infamous bed-in stunts they staged). Witness the pass in subtest 5 below on Yoni kuta or sexual compatibility, although even here Yoko happens to be the male of the corresponding animal species!

Yoko's control and influence over John was near-absolute, and she probably realised the depressing effects of it as well. An infamous chapter of their relationship has her putting him out on a leash to have an affair with their assistant May Pang. This 18-month tryst was reportedly engineered by Yoko as a trial separation, and after she felt that he had had enough, she just told him it was time to come back to her. John, as usual, obliged.

May Pang wrote about it in her book "The Lost Weekend", where she described a noticeable change in John's demeanour during this period. He was reported to be relaxed, loveable and personable; collaborating and socialising with friends more than he'd done previously. It was during this period that he saw more of Julian, his son from his first marriage with Cynthia, than he'd done for a long time. Quite different, in other words, to the person he was while with Yoko.

If the first-hand accounts are true, then the subjugation of John is probably worse than what's printed in this Marriage Report. The picture on the right, where he snuggles up in a foetal position against Yoko, is an apt statement on the relationship. Yoko wielded incredible influence, nay, authority, over John.

What's incredulous is that he chose to endure a subservient role in the relationship even though there's practically no long-term friendship between them. Witness the back-to-back failures in Rasi and Graha Maitram (subtests 6 and 7 below) - which indicate only misery, sorrow and enmity. In short, the marriage was hell - at least for John, although he did not do anything drastic to change the status quo, preferring instead to wax philosophical. This is the man who would rather imagine there's no hell or heaven, as he sang in another of his more famous songs.

Imagine there's no heaven, it's easy if you try
No hell below us, above us only sky

This unhappy relationship wouldn't have lasted as long as it did, but for John's capacity to endure the suffering and relinquish ground inch-by-inch until his tragic death on December 8, 1980 at the hands of an assasin.

Your Name
Your Email
Birth Date-Time
Time Zone (hh:mm E/W) : :
Daylight Savings Time : :

Rasi (Moon Sign) 10 Makara - Capricorn 8 Vrischika - Scorpio
Nakshatra 21 Uttarashadha 4 18 Jyeshtha 1

Overall Result Very Bad Fail
Result Basis 12 Kuta SubTests
Points Score 13/36 (36%)
SubTests Pass: 7 Fail: 5
This match has FAILED the Marriage Compatibility Test
Grade Scale: Very Good Pass Good Pass Pass Narrow Pass Narrow Fail Fail Bad Fail Very Bad Fail
DISCLAIMER: This report based on the science of Vedic Astrology is presented in good faith. and any associated party are not liable for any loss or damage in any connection whatsoever with this report.

Positive Negative
Average sexual compatibility between this couple

Imbalance: He is inclined to work for others, rather than venture out on own initiative. Easily exploited by the unscrupulous. She is keen on acquiring knowledge for self-improvement and to further career ambitions

She is likely to be superior to him. In fact he may readily appreciate this point and be disinclined to decide anything without seeking her opinion

There is precious little friendship in this relationship. He is inimical towards her, she is lukewarm towards him. Difficult to last the long haul together

NOTE: The 12 kuta subtests check various areas of the relationship and form the basis of this Marriage Compatibility Test. Their respective scores follow.

The Marriage Compatibility Test includes 12 kuta subtests to assess various areas of a relationship. Below are the subtests, factors assessed and results. Under Output column, M and F labels indicate values for male and female. Result column shows whether the couple passed or failed that subtest. An asterisk (*) here means that the result would have been opposite but for a special clause. Score column, in 8 subtests, has their weighted points score out of a maximum possible.
# SUBTEST Output Result Score
1 Dina Kuta
Health and longevity of couple
4 Pass 3/3
2 Gana Kuta
Nature - Manusha (human) or Rakshasa (demoniac) or Deva (divine). Best if same. Otherwise, a rakshasa female can be too difficult for other types to handle
M: Manushya
F: Rakshasa
Pass* 0/6
3 Mahendra
Well-being of couple with fruitful progeny - children & grandchildren
4 Pass
4 Stri Dirgha
Expansion of material enjoyment. Wife's well-being and hopes of departing before husband
4 Fail
5 Yoni Kuta
Sexual compatibility based on the relationship seen in nature between their animal symbols. Best if gender also corresponds. Good match confers prosperity too
M: Male Mongoose
F: Male Hare
Pass 2/4
6 Rasi Kuta
Mutual MOON sign disposition - with effect on happiness or children or health or wealth
Misery and sorrow
Fail 0/7
7 Graha Maitram
Degree of innate friendship as mirrored by the relationship between the planetary lords of the respective Moon signs who can be friendly, neutral or inimical to each other
Fail 0/5
8 Vasya Kuta
Powerful magnetic attraction & amenability. Pass is rare. Not essential, but definitely adds spice to a match
M: Capricorn
F: Scorpio
Fail 0/2
9 Rajju
Durability of marital bond. Best if Output is different, similarity can be dangerous if test fails.
M: Udara
F: Pada
10 Vedha
Checks for mutual repulsion between couple's nakshatra pair which might ruin the relationship. Fail is rare but destructive
M: Uttarashadha
F: Jyeshtha
11 Varna
Occupational inclination based on modes of nature acquired at birth: brahmana (intellectual), kshatriya (administrative), vaishya (mercantile & farming) or shudra (general worker class)
M: Shudra
F: Brahmana
Fail 0/1
12 Nadi
Predominant bodily humour. Vata (air), Pitta (bile) or Kapha (mucus). Best if different
M: Kapha (Vata)
F: Vata (Kapha)
Pass 8/8


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