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Title: Snow Lion Publications Newsletter

Dharma Quote of the Week

In the Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path Je Tsongkhapa says that when we are training ourselves in any of the perfections, for instance in generosity, we should make sure that we practice all the other five perfections--in this case ethical discipline, patience, enthusiastic effort, concentration, and wisdom--and the six excellent factors. When we perform a generous action, ethical discipline will be included if we take care to refrain from doing anything unethical at the same time. In certain situations, for instance, we may be tempted to speak harshly or condescendingly as we give.

Generosity gives rise to abundance, and by insuring that our practice is complete, we create the right environment to use these resources constructively. Sometimes when we give, people respond ungratefully. If we can resist getting upset, we are practicing patience. Giving not out of a sense of obligation or reluctantly nor with a wish to outdo others but with joy is the practice of enthusiastic effort. Directing our full attention to an act of generosity is concentration. Discerning and understanding what is appropriate to give and what is not, and remembering that the giver, the act of generosity, and the recipient are all interdependent and empty of inherent existence are the practice of wisdom. Including these different factors in our actions will bring many excellent results such as a good body and mind, the resources we need, a pleasant appearance, supportive companions, the ability to complete what we undertake, and the focus not to be distracted by the disturbing emotions and so forth. This is how to insure that we will enjoy many conducive conditions in a future human life. On the other hand, our miserliness or impatience now could make us face many difficult circumstances in the future.

--from How Karma Works: The Twelve Links of Dependent Arising by Geshe Sonam Rinchen, translated by Ruth Sonam, published by Snow Lion Publications

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For a complete list of special dates of the Tibetan year, inauspicious days to raise new prayer flags, and more, visit the Tibetan Calendar on line.

(From the 2006-2007 Rigpa Calendar)


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The Twelve Links of Dependent Arising

by Geshe Sonam Rinchen
translated by Ruth Sonam


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