Title: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Email I just sent to an old friend who's trying to get me in the dome.
on 8/5/06 10:53 AM, Paul Mason at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It was so long ago, but I remember being shocked that MMY was
advocating psychiatry for Linda, since I had gained the impression he
was so set against its application generally. So for him to make this
exception underscored the weight of the reaction.
But, whether the journalist got the remark directly from MMY or from an
aide, I don't know. As far as I remember the article I was shown was
from a sunday paper, probably 'News of the World' (a newspaper
synonymous with scandals). In 'The Lives of John Lennon' (1989) Albert
Goldman sourced an article from an Australian newspaper didn't he?

Linda was South African. Papers there published her story. Last I heard of her she had MS and was seeking treatment in an AV clinic in India.

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