The Roman empire in it's later stages split into two halves,  Western and Eastern Roman empires.  The emperor of Eastern Roman empire Constantine converted himself to Christianity.  He later on conquered the Western half and thus Christianity became state religion of Europe.

Robert Gimbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Fri, 04 Aug 2006 01:05:24 -0000
Subject: [FairfieldLife] 'Popularity of Christianity Vs, Buddhism'
I would say a couple of things in regard to this matter:
Firstly, Christianity encouraging marriages and no birth control;
This might also explain the expanding Spanish speaking;
Catholic populations;
Exploding in the Latin America;
And where the current Poppa, in Roma;
Is exploiting the message, of the church.
From my understanding, the Buddhist are more prone to:
That dreaded concept: 'Celibacy'...
Next, I think that the story of Jesus is much more dramatic;
And universal, in its appeal;
As you have someone who is by Maharishi's definition;
Totally enlightened, and performing Siddhis at will,
And he is taken and crucified, killed in the most horrible way;
Which could be devised by a crazed culture, the Romans?
Of that time...
Also, after Rome had conquered most of Europe, and parts of Asia, and Greece;
It was decreed, in the forth century;
To be the official religion of Rome;
And now, the United States, being an extension of that same,
Attitude of 'Empire',
Has also, attempted to adopt,
Christianity as the official religion, of the Empire.
Also, there has been the element of evangelizing the religion;
Of Christianity;
As compared to the modest approach of the Buddhist's.
So, these are the reasons I can think of...


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