Dear Judy,

Thank you for replying, and thank you, too, for your restraint.  My
criticism was harsh and I'm normally reluctant to express criticism so
baldy.  But even though my remarks were made with a broad brush, so to
speak, I don't believe that my perception is overly skewed or my
primary point incorrect.

It is obvious to me that you are a person not only of intelligence and
wit, but also of integrity and character.  I'm sure that I have missed
fine posts of yours and valuable insights that you have shared in
posts that I avoided because it's been my policy for several months to
pass over yours, and Barry's, and Sparaig's, and Shemp's, as well as a
few others.  You all are part of a group that had previously traded
barbs and tirades on a.m.t. for a long while and then started doing
the same here. 

But though I have avoided that demographic on FFL for a while now, it
wasn't always so.  I used to read all the posts -- everyone's.  Now I
read few, because, as it has been pointed out many times by others and
even enumerated by some, the majority of posts on FFL are made by the
same group.  And, in my experience, those posts by that group follow
the same disturbing cycle.  The theme and tone is always the same, the
topic doesn't really matter.

You feel strongly about speaking out against unfairness and dishonesty
and I don't disagree with that sentiment.  It is true that many people
engage in argument in what could be said to be an intellectually
dishonest fashion.  I'm used to it.  In my line of work, where the
metric of how well I make my own argument and how I respond to my
opponent's argument, is measured in the months and years my clients
spend either in custody or in liberty, I have to consider what I say
and what I don't and how it is conveyed very particularly.  

I'm always considering the final outcome.  What it is that I want to
achieve.  And my question to you is: what do you want to achieve by
fighting against the unfairness and dishonestly you find in the posts
of the few individuals on FFL that you so often engage?  For them to
become less unfair and dishonest?  (Have you detected any progress on
that front?)  Do you want those of us who also monitor FFL to be aware
of their dishonesty and unfairness?  Do you think we can't make our
own evaluations or come to our own conclusions?  

Is your fight here on FFL against unfairness and dishonestly more of a
reflexive reaction to the personalities that you have concluded are
synonomous with unfairness and dishonesty?  That is my candid
conclusion.  And I don't think that it is a misperception.  It is
confirmed by the many different remarks made by several others on this
forum at different times when this same issue of the incessant
bickering in which you are a major contributor has arisen.  Rick
Archer, Peter Sutphen, Tom Traynor, Sal, and others whom I cannot
recall right now; people I consistently enjoy for their insight, their
humor, their flexibility.  They have all, at one time or another,
posted on this same issue and expressed the same or similar perspective.

I admire your strength and willingness to stand up against public
opinion; you would be a formidable opponent.  Nevertheless, I am
convinced that the bulk of your argument is just that -- argument.  It
serves no purpose, advances no real cause, and only serves to distance
yourself from a community that would truly benefit and enjoy your
participation should you project a less immoderate stance.

It's just a world.  We're all just a bunch of naked monkeys trying to
figure out why we're here and where we came from.  Just give these
guys some love.  That's all anyone really wants.  My apologies for
being so harsh before.  



--- In, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mark, there's a significant amount of
> misrepresentation in your descriptions--
> inadvertent, I'm sure, but your perception
> of what's going on is seriously skewed.
> I doubt you're interested in hearing further,
> so I'll just point out one thing: You say,
> "It is my habit to avoid these endless threads
> where virtually everyone else is either flat
> wrong, avoiding the 'real' issue, or stupidly
> (if not maliciously) committed the heinous
> crime of non sequitur."
> In fact, such exchanges occur with only a few
> people here, all of whom I consider to be
> consistently dishonest in the way they argue.
> It's not a matter of "I'm right, you're wrong."
> It's an issue of fairness and honesty.
> The Republicans got into office on the basis
> of unfairness and dishonesty, because voters
> were unable to see through it, and the media
> chose not to assist them.  It took six years
> for this to sink in, and incalculable damage
> was the result.
> I have become convinced that unfairness and
> dishonesty are the primary causes of trouble
> in the world.  I can't do much about it on
> the larger scale, but yes, I do have a
> compulsion to fight it where I can.
> --- In, "Marek Reavis" 
> <reavismarek@> wrote:
> >
> > It is simply amazing that you all, but most particularly you, Judy, 
> > persist in these compulsive, predictable, and tiresome grade school 
> > volleys of "I'm right, you're wrong."  It is an insult to your 
> > intelligence.
> > 
> > I fully understand that this post itself, is a meaningless addendum 
> > to the endless bile and boilerplate of dispute that seems to 
> provide 
> > some meaning to your life, and that no change is to be expected; 
> but 
> > as someone who is a professional arguer, it is astounding to me 
> that 
> > you continue in this pathetic behavior, where the only recompence 
> > is . . .?  It does seem to me to be an addiction.
> > 
> > It is my habit to avoid these endless threads where virtually 
> > everyone else is either flat wrong, avoiding the "real" issue, or 
> > stupidly (if not maliciously) committed the heinous crime of non 
> > sequitur.  Occasionally, however, I get caught up in one, as I have 
> > this time, and I finally felt compelled to comment.
> > 
> > I'll return to my policy of avoiding these posts, but will, of 
> > course, respond to any post regarding this one since it is 
> > unsolicited criticism.  FFL was better before this.
> > 
> > -Marek

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