In a message dated 11/18/06 7:13:12 P.M. Central Standard Time,  

But he  goes on to say, "These others are mostly demonic powers. Sure
they're  demons. There are many demons in the world." 

If a follower really  believes this sermon, deeply, and is committed to
doing "good" in their  eyes, what could be "better" for society that
isolating such demon  followers, not giving them access to society --
even thinking of bombing  some demon restarurants, or temples, or
taking out some of those demon  worshipers -- as "good things". 

I mean think about it. "DEMONS!" In  the literal sense of the word.

Naaaaaa! They would just use the Jesus Christ Effect. Surround the "demon"  
restaurants, and temples with Holy Ghost filled Pentecostals, slain in the  
Spirit , to drive out the "demons" through the Word. "Offing" the "demon"  
worshippers would only cause the "demons" to seek another body to possess and  
wouldn't get credit for saving another soul for Christ. 

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