Richard J. Williams wrote:
> Bhairitu wrote:
>> Let me guess: you couldn't locate your copy of the Oxford
>> Hindi-English Dictionary (paperback 2001 edition) where on 
>> page 859 the definition of rakshasa gives:
>> 2. fig.  a fiendishly wicked person.
> The important point here is the Sanskrit definition as used by the
> invading Vedic Indians who imposed the caste system on the native
> inhabitants, the dark-skinned Dravidians of South India and Sri Lanka.
> The Hindu Tigers of Tamil Elam, followers of Kali, have murdered
> thousands of Sri Lankan Buddhists, but you're saying that George W.
> Bush is a "fiendishly wicked person" and he is your enemy. Go figure.
The Tamil Tigers are *not* related to any religious sect from what I 
have read.   It is a political organization.

And yes if GW is going to raid my bank account to pay for his outrageous 
"war on terror" then I don't care very much for him.  You can pay my 
share if you like.
>> But you need to know Devanagri to find it which I assume 
>> you are expert at reading Devanagri script?
> So, you are a Devangiri reader.
Sure.  It's not that hard to learn.

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