Please try to not be absorbed in people's blanket prejudices. It's so easy to 
believe other people's compulsions as if they are something real, when in point 
of fact this whole muslim/anti, etc is merely mental.  Nobody was born Muslim, 
or any other religion, these things were inculcated.  And so also into you. 
Iran is entirely not like these other Muslim places you hear about. It is very 
liberal. Therefore there is no one Islam, no true race to disparage. It is 
merely selective factitioning and karmic rotopropigation of samsara. Fall not 
into it. Peace.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jason Spock 
  Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2006 4:04 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Islam will rule the World

  Sir Rick, I found these Comments in another forum.

  Subject: Islam is a form of NeoNazism
  Author : Dewanand

  After years of studying and observing muslim behaviour, inner reflections, 
abstract mental constitution, their narrowminded vision upon non-muslims and 
their daily thoughts, I discovered some disturbing facts. For many years I kept 
silent, but today, after the cowardly attack on the WTC in New York, I decided 
to publish parts of my research results. 

  Every normal person gets confused by only hearing the word neonazism or 
fascism. We all know the reality of the nazist regimes of WOII in Germany and 
after that big war every healthy human of this world said to him/herself: 
  "Never, never again, please, save the world, save my children".

  In short simple steps I will reveal my knowledge about Islam. Remember as 
reader that I was raised as a muslim and after many years of extreme problems, 
I totally converted myself toward Hinduism, because Hindu people are tolerant 
and more developed. Hindu women accepted me as human being, in spite of my 
handicaps and they gave me a new belief in my future, without any rewards for 
themself. For me Hinduism is really advanced and the ultimate future of all 
living creatures on this planet. 

  Observe the similarity between Islam and NeoNazism:

  Similarity 1
  Nazist say: "Heil Hitler"
  Muslim say: "Allah ho akbar"
  Observe: just the same feelings, same emotions and, same thoughts.

  Similarity 2
  Nazist believe that they are superior.
  Muslim believe that they are superior and the chosen ones by Allah, so they 
will go to the muslim heaven, even if they kill and rape thousands of innocent 
women and children.
  Observe: just the same feelings, same motives for committing crimes against 
humanity and same thoughts.

  Similarity 3
  Nazist will kill everyone in the name of their Führer, Adolf Hitler.
  Muslim will kill every enemy that is called Haram, in the name of Allah, 
their symbol of muslim unity.
  Observe: just the same feelings, same motives for committing crimes against 
humanity and same thoughts.

  Similarity 4
  Nazist suppressed women in brutal way, with coldbloody force. All women in 
Germany were sent to the kitchen after the absolute laws of the Führer were 
  Muslim control women totally and condemn them to a life as underdogs, and 
they even have succeeded in letting women believe that they are inferior and 
equal to a half man.
  Observe: totally no difference in treatment of women.

  Similarity 5
  Nazist believed in the holy book Mein Kampf, based upon the visions of Adolf 
Hitler, while he was emprisoned. 
  Muslim believe in holy book koran.
  Observe: Just the same goal, same content, same cruel vision of future of 
humanity. No difference, after abstract analysis. After abstract analysis I 
concluded that the inner core of the muslim mind is the same as that of a 
nazist of the Nazi-empire. 

  There are many other similarities between muslim thinking and nazist 

  One difference:
  Nazist ruled for ten years, and systematically killed almost 70 percent of 
all jews in Europe.

  Muslim empires ruled for ten centuries in India, killing 60 million Hindus. 
Even today muslim leaders rules in many parts of the world and everyday 
innocent humans suffer or are being killed. Examples: Afghanistan, Pakistan, 
Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Nigeria. Find more for yourself.

  Therefore I want to inform the whole world that my conclusion
  after deep scientific study and hard life experience is stated as follows:

  1. Islam is just the same as Neo-Nazism.

  2. The biggest LIE OF HISTORY is that Islam is a religion.
  Scientific conclusion: Islam is NOT a religion at all.

  3. IT analysis results can be stated as follows:
  Islam is a hatred, binary and very destructible virus that can infect 
(indoctrinate) many human brains and especially destroy the youth and life of 
young children. It is a crime to put such a destructive thought into the mind 
of young children. Please protect all youngsters of today in islamic families.

  After deep meditation and reanalysation of all facts, I advise all democratic 
folks and countries to undertake the following steps:

  Advise 1. 
  Firstly the koran is a book that spreads only hatred and narrowminded 
thoughts in this world and this is not good for our world society. Koran 
clearly mentions the absence of world peace and stimulates the development of a 
global bloody jihad.

  The koran is the most destructive book in the world of all civilizations on 
our poor planet. Such a book must be doomed for the mass. By consuming the 
destructive energy of the koran, every human can become a ruthless enemy of 

  Advise 2. 
  Start (global) information campaign to actively convert muslims into another 
religion, that is more peaceful. start by making clear that nobody must call 
himself muslim anymore, because it is the same as neonazism. Send many mental 
workers to Islamic countries to spread the peaceful religions, just like 
Buddhism, Sufism, Bahai, Greek mythology, Odinism, Sikhism, Jainism, Hinduism, 
and many others, or to Humanism. Refill the mind of all ex-muslims and 
eradicate this awful indoctrination within one generation. 
  This is the cheapest solution, and the result is almost permanently. 

  Advise 3. 
  Start telling youth and children of muslim families and origins the truth 
about the bloody and cowardly history of islam and who mohammed and his killing 
gangs really were. every child has the right to know the truth and parents do 
not have the right to doom the future of a young innocent child. Tell these 
children the truth on all schools, starting with lowest reading classes or by 
tales. Every child is my child and that's why I am ready to fight for the 
rights of small innocent children. 

  In Hindu culture they say: 
  Sathya (truth) will always win.
  Only with Gyaan (knowledge) it is possible to light up the darkness of 

  So please tell youngsters the truth.
  It is our duty to prevent the new generation of the children out of 
originally muslim families, from indoctrination by destructive thoughts from 
the koran. We must inform the young about the dangers of islam and it is better 
to start today on all schools in the whole world. More cheaper and more 
efficient for all humans on earth. Every human being has the right to know the 
truth about the history of mankind and to gather the knowledge to live happily 
and peacefully.

  Aum Shanti, Shanti, Aum Shanti.

  Veda's are eternal

  Subject: Islam is a form of NeoNazism
  Author: Pavakkulam 

  Quran tells Muslims to kill the disbelievers wherever they find them (Q. 
  to murder them and treat them harshly (Q. 9:123), 

  slay them (Q. 9: 5), 

  fight with them, (Q. 8: 65 )

  even if they are Christians and Jews, humiliate them and impose on them a 
penalty tax (Q. 9: 29). 

  Quran takes away the freedom of belief from all humanity and tell clearly 
that no other religion except Islam is accepted (Q. 3: 85). 

  It relegates those who disbelieve in Quran to hell (Q. 5: 11), 

  calls them najis (filthy, untouchable, impure) (Q. 9: 28). 

  It orders its followers to fight the unbelievers until no other religion 
except Islam is left (Q. 2: 193). 

  It says that the non-believers will go to hell and will drink boiling water 
(Q. 14: 17). 

  It asks the Muslims to slay or crucify or cut the hands and feet of the 
unbelievers, that they be expelled from the land with disgrace and that "they 
shall have a great punishment in world hereafter" (Q.5: 34). 

  "As for the disbelievers", it says that "for them garments of fire shall be 
cut and there shall be poured over their heads boiling water whereby whatever 
is in their bowls and skin shall be dissolved and they will be punished with 
hooked iron rods" (Q. 22: 9). 

  Quran prohibits a Muslim to befriend a non-believer even if that non-believer 
is the father or the brother of that Muslim (Q. 9: 23), (Q. 3: 28). 

  Quran asks the Muslims to "strive against the unbelievers with great endeavor 
(Q. 25: 52), 

  be stern with them because they belong to hell (Q. 66: 9). 

  The holy Prophet demanded his follower to "strike off the heads of the 
disbelievers"; then after making a "wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up 
the remaining captives" (Q. 47: 4). 

  As for women the book of Allah says that they are inferior to men and their 
husbands have the right to scourge them if they are found disobedient (Q. 

  It teaches that women will go to hell if they are disobedient to their 
husbands (Q. 66:10). 

  It maintains that men have an advantage over the women (Q. 2:228). 

  It not only denies the women's equal right to their inheritance (Q. 4:11-12), 

  it also regards them as imbeciles and decrees that their witness is not 
admissible in the court (Q. 2:282). 

  This means that a woman who is raped cannot accuse her rapist unless she can 
produce a male witness. Muhammad allowed the Muslims to marry up to four views 
and gave them license to sleep with their slave maids and as many "captive" 
women as they may have (Q. 4:3). 

  These teachings of Koran are far from any civilisation. In the modern world 
where everybody is talking about civil liberties, Koran openly denies civil 
liberties and equal status to women.

  The Koran says majority of the prople who are burning in hell are Women.!

  The whole world changes according to the times and the Islam should also 
change without sticking to the tenets of Koran blindly. 


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