--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5"
> > <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> > >
> > > I have been out traveling from FF to spiritual places out 
> > > West and recently out East, and it is informative to hear 
> > > people in reaction to Maharishi when you go other places.   
> > 
> > This strikes me as an excellent exercise in the 
> > "healthy mind challenging its own assumptions"
> > credo that distinguishes FFL from other TM-related
> > sites and most of its participants from TBs. One 
> > of the things I think we all agree on is that if 
> > one bases one's opinion of Maharishi and TM *solely* 
> > on what one hears from *within* the TM movement, 
> > one gets a rather different picture than one would 
> > get if one examined feedback from a broader sampling 
> > within the larger spiritual community.
> > 
> > One Web resource that is fun, although rather 
> > subjective, is "Sarlo's Guru Rating Service" at:
> > http://www.globalserve.net/~sarlo/Ratings.htm
> Very interesting site.  Do read the About page
> and the Disclaimer page, and the links thereon,
> including one to a longish excerpt from Osho
> (Sarlo's guru) titled "Why Gurus Criticize Each
> Other," a fascinating theory, in which Osho tells
> a story about Rumi:
> One day Jalaluddin Rumi took all his students, disciples and devotees 
> to a field. That was his way to teach them things of the beyond, 
> through the examples of the world. He was not a theoretician, he was 
> a very practical man. The disciples were thinking, "What could be the 
> message, going to that faraway field... and why can't he say it here?"
> But when they reached the field, they understood that they were wrong 
> and he was right. The farmer seemed to be almost an insane man. He 
> was digging a well in the field – and he had already dug eight 
> incomplete wells. He would go a few feet and then he would find that 
> there was no water. Then he would start digging another well... and 
> the same story was continued. He had destroyed the whole field and he 
> had not yet found water.
> The master, Jalaluddin Rumi, told his disciples, "Can you understand 
> something? If this man had been total and had put his whole energy 
> into only one well, he would have reached to the deepest sources of 
> water long ago. But the way he is going he will destroy the whole 
> field and he will never be able to make a single well. With so much 
> effort he is simply destroying his own land, and getting more and 
> more frustrated, disappointed: what kind of a desert has he 
> purchased? It is not a desert, but one has to go deep to find the 
> sources of water."
> He turned to his disciples and asked them, "Are you going to follow 
> this insane farmer? Sometimes on one path, sometimes on another path, 
> sometimes listening to one, sometimes listening to another... you 
> will collect much knowledge, but all that knowledge is simply junk, 
> because it is not going to give you the enlightenment you were 
> looking for. It is not going to lead you to the waters of eternal 
> life."
> http://www.globalserve.net/~sarlo/Ycrit.htm
> <snip>
> > Just for fun, here's his entry on Maharishi (rating = *):
> > 
> > "Founder of Maharishi Thousand-Headed Purusha... 
> > Transcendental Meditation®... discovered the Constitution 
> > of the Universe... Yogic Flying to create supreme mind-body 
> > coordination in the individual and coherence in world 
> > consciousness... Absolute Theories of Government, Education, 
> > Health, and Defense to raise every area of life to perfection." 
> > Guru was Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math. Anti link is an 
> > ex-TM-teacher, talk of hypnosis, adverse reactions. 
> > Tripletalk, enormous money, but benefit of doubt.  2nd 
> > anti site into exposing "myths."
> FWIW, the anti link from the ex-TM teacher is Joe
> Kellett's site; the other one is called "Behind the
> TM Facade" and has no clue as to who is responsible
> for it.

Think that the second one is supported by a rival "former TM teacher" group in 
the UK.

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