On Dec 15, 2006, at 3:08 PM, Peter wrote:

 You are not alone! I had headaches for years and
years. Checking didn't help. MMY helped a little bit
when he told me I had been straining for many years!
(He actually found the whole thing rather funny
considering I was a TM teacher). I finally decided
that if I felt any head pain at all that I would just
stop the mantra and sit there very easily until the
pain left. This took a couple of weeks to get used to,
but it certainly stopped any straining and the
headaches left. One thing that helps prevent straining
is asanas and pranayama done slowly and correctly
before meditation. This helps the mind slow down and
the senses start to withdraw before meditation. Much
of straining is from a vata aggrivated mind with many
thoughts that needs preparation before TM.

I've worked with over a dozen people over the years who had "head pressure" as we used to call it. In every case teaching them how to move energy with their basic female and male channels (and bring them into a balanced "center") would stop the pressure and bring balance. It's called the microcosmic orbit. And yes, in some cases, it was straining or excessive "wishing and hoping" in their sitting practice that seemed to be the cause. There were also a number of people who would have severe, migraine like head pressure which would crescendo with bliss and then resolve, sadly, into depression. It was like they were ejaculating there ojas out their skulls. Other people had shakti which took a path exterior to the central channel. This was also helped by learning the microcosmic orbit. I can't recommend this technique enough for people with shakti issues--esp. before the channels begin to leak and/or shatter. Once that happens there is more serious danger.

Doing *anything* in excess can aggravate vata and rounding can certainly do that. Once you screw up vata, it can knock everything else outta whack. The various types of guggul are also very helpful for vata issues--and they can remove the maligned doshas and ama slowly over a couple of months. There are also some alchemical medicines which work very well for shakti burnouts.

     Also, don't worry about "not" transcending. I
only transcended clearly on my TTC and then it never
occurred again until 12 years later where I
transcended with my eyes open walking out of the dome
while the mind was fully active. Then you realize that
"you" have always been transcendent, completely
outside of any relative measure. Then you will never
transcend again because what comes and goes is the
mind functioning and not the transcendent. So you get
to have "your" transcendent with or without the mind.
Your option, ha!

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