Question: The Role of the Vedic Pandit Performances

Dr Morris: Maharishi, You have mentioned that the Vedic Pandits of
India will be directly involved in this adoption of the different
countries that you have just described. Could you explain what the
role of the Vedic Pandits will be? And how do their Vedic performances
work to secure the integration you mentioned the word  integration  of
national consciousness as the basis for making a nation invincible?
How does the Vedic Pandits  programme work to create this effect? 

Maharishi:  Because the Vedic words are the words of the
transcendental field, being the structuring dynamics of the
transcendental field, they are not limited to space and time. That
means when one word is pronounced its effect is everywhere,
everywhere. This has given the Vedic language the authority to produce
the effect anywhere in space and time from one place in space and time
anywhere in the universe from anywhere in the universe.

All these Yagya performances are performances to neutralize the wrong
effect that may be coming to a person as a result of his own
wrongdoing. You reap what you sow. The phrase is  whatever you do, you
have to bear the consequences of it.  If someone has done something
wrong today in his affairs and the effect is going to come in two
years, the Vedic performances can do something before two years to
neutralize it, so the wrong effect will not have to be faced by the doer.

It is a great miracle of the authority that has the alliance with the
Constitution of the Universe.  With the Constitution of the Universe 
means with the Veda and the Vedic Literature, in which all past,
present, and future is available at any point. One effect here is an
effect everywhere. This natural penetration of the effect makes the
Vedic Pandits produce through resolution. They resolve,  I am doing
this Yagya, this performance, this Graha Shanti, this particular
Yagya, in order to produce this effect at that time.  This is the
specialty of Vedic performance. The effect is not limited to any one
place. The effect travels all over frictionlessly, instantly.

This being the characteristic quality of the Vedic performances, makes
this possible for the Vedic Pandits, but of course they have to
practise. The life of Indian Vedic Pandits has been spoilt a lot by
foreign influences. Quite a lot of impurity has crept into the purity
of their Vedic routine. But nevertheless, the seed produces the same
tree, after same tree, after same trees. So Vedic performances have
that natural ability to produce any effect from any distance. They are
called Yagyas.

When we adopt a nation, we prepare a few hundred Vedic Pandits or a
thousand, two thousand Vedic Pandits, depending on the size of the
population of the country, to produce the effect. What to do to
produce what effect is already prescribed. It is prescribed.

We are adopting the ability of the Constitution of the Universe, the
ability of the Vedic language, to produce the effect from the
Transcendent, from self-referral consciousness, to produce any desired
effect anywhere. It is a great miracle. It is on the level of Total
Natural Law. This is the nature of Natural Law to be able to produce
this effect. The effect is produced from the transcendental field of
consciousness, where every spur of performance is the frictionless
flow of the whole infinity of the galactic universe. It is a big, huge
field of knowledge, which we enjoy through the blessings of our Vedic
Tradition of Masters.

source: TM News Blog from Germany


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