TurquoiseB wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> To All Members:
>> About 40 years ago there was movie about a time machine, based on a 
>> novel by HG Wells(?), in which the main character traveled through 
>> time to the distant future.  Without physically moving from his 
>> original position, he was able to witness the appearance of an 
>> innocent, beautiful group of people, called the Elois, who 
>> seemingly enjoyed the bounties of the earth.  
>> Nonetheless, the story would unfold that these Elois were actually 
>> being raised as a sacrifice to feed a demonic and subterranean 
>> species residing in a monolithic stone compound (somewhat like the 
>> Mayan pyramid in the recent movie, Apocalypto).
>> We can interpret this story to mean that the demonic species are 
>> those people who become bound by the three modes of nature.  The 
>> Elois are the innocent children of today who are sacrificed by the 
>> demonic people to gain their gain their material desires.  These 
>> sacrifrices are made through made in various ways, e.g. wars, 
>> poverty, crime, abortions and many others.
>> Does anyone else have an interpretation of this story?
> Uh, it could have had something to do with putting
> bread on the table of a writer named Herbert George
> Wells, back in 1894. Wells was paid the princely sum
> of 100 pounds to write it in serial form for the New 
> Review. His inspiration was political, not spiritual.
> Wells was an avid socialist, and stated clearly that
> his vision of the future was what he saw as the 
> inevitable outcome of class warfare within the 
> capitalistic system. He also set his tale of the 
> Eloi and the Morlocks in A.D. 802,701, so it was
> nothing he foresaw happening anytime soon. But, as
> with any well-told tale, the reader can project 
> whatever mythology he wants onto it.
I also like the analysis that Alan Watt gives to Well's motivations in 
his talks on his site:
Fun Masonic conspiracy stuff and some of the MP3's contain some thoughts 
on the TM movement too.

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