Robert Gimbel wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> larry.potter wrote:
>>> MAHARISHI: Just as in any government there is a head of state, 
> there 
>>> is a prime minister, there are assemblies - hierarchy.
>>> Wherever there is organization, wherever there is action, there is
>>> hierarchical organization. Like that we can understand in terms 
> of 
>>> different devatas.
>>> All the different devatas - it will be easier to partition the 
> range 
>>> of devatas in two values: silence and dynamism. Silence is upheld 
> by 
>>> Shiva and dynamism is upheld by Vishnu. And between the two  
>>> Ganapati holds the rains of any coordination wherever, so that 
> there 
>>> is no lack of coordination.  It is very beautiful.
>>> There is nothing for us. God in terms of anything. We can talk 
> about 
>>> God, we can define about God in terms of anything. The same way 
> in 
>>> terms of anything
>>> we can talk about devatas, of Shiva and Vishnu. There are Ganas 
> of 
>>> Shiva. 
>>> Gana means like the sparks of intelligence. There is one ocean of
>>> intelligence and then the sprouting, single waves of 
> intelligence. 
>>> Waves of intelligence, they distinguish themself from one 
> another. 
>>> So there is a field of many in this way.
>>> We can talk in terms of many, many devatas...
>  >
>  "They should also ask what the relationship between God and the 
> devitas is".
> "The devitas seem like they are all the aspects of God;
> Both the silent aspect and the dynamic aspect(s);
> And the aspect of coordination, of the two, as mentioned above.
> So, I think the teaching here, is that when you are firmly 
> established enough in pure consciousness; Silence...
> Then you can begin to notice how these sparks of intelligence operate,
> Within yourself, and the field of the Transcendent is non-localized, 
> in your consciousness...
> So, for example, when there would be a big storm, like hurricane 
> Katrina, then one of the Devitas, Indra, would be extremely lively in 
> the atmosphere.
> And one who was established in the Transcendent, would Know, that.
> Now for me, it seem easy to attune to the vibration of Indra,
> Because I've always been curious about electricity, and storms and 
> things of that nature.
> So, to understand more subtle aspects to all of this for me,
> Would be to tap into the vibration of Indra and feel that 
> understanding all the essence of what a storm is. Which obviously is 
> a great force of nature, and operates always by the same laws.
> {When there is a storm brewing (and living in Seattle lately, is not 
> hard to feel the influence of Indra)}.
> Also, an aspect of an influence of Indra is purification, which 
> allows the influence of Shiva, to purify- 
> So, Indra, in a way, you could say, works for Shiva...
> But it's all connected anyway, so...
> But how it is organized, as Maharishi says...
> So, I feel that the influence of purification in the atmosphere, now;
> Has been greatly influenced by the aspect of God, called Indra.
> So, this is one of the ways, in which I understand what Maharishi is 
> saying about this subject, by my own subjective experience, and 
> interest in weather and storms and the natural forces."
> R.G.
A little Sanskrit 101 here: deva if masculine so devatas refers to the 
male deities and if you notice Maharishi only mentions male deities.  
OTOH, devi is feminine so devitas refers to the female deities and if he 
had been asked about the "devitas" he would have only mentioned female 
deities.  So for complete knowledge on the subject one would want to ask 
about both.  ;-)

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