Dear Supporters of the Vedic Pandits Creating Invincibility for 

I wanted you to know that last night there were over 1900 flying 
together here at Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi 
Vedic City. And during the past week the numbers in the flying halls 
were always more than 1800 in the evening,

To make sure that the numbers never slip below the Super Radiance 
number, for the U.S., which is currently 1732, and to make sure that 
the numbers in the two morning sessions, currently at 1500 and 1000, 
are also above 1732, Maharishi has emphasized that we need at least 
2500 Yogic Fliers here. And to do this with certainty, the plan is to 
have a total of 1050 Vedic Pandits from India living here in their 
own specially constructed facilities. The Vedic Pandits fly at the 
same time as everyone else, and also attend to their Vedic routine 
during the rest of the day.

Currently there are 381 Vedic Pandits here, and another 200 are 
coming in 4 weeks. The rest will come shortly after that. That will 
do it for an Invincible America. Each of the Pandits has committed to 
be here for at least two years, and they will always be replaced by 
other Pandits, so a minimum of 1050 will always be maintained.

On the new 80-acre campus being constructed for the Pandits, 30 homes 
have been built already and infrastructure completed for 50 homes, 
and a dining/flying/kitchen building is nearing completion. We need 
$1.2 million now to complete the remaining 20 homes and public 
buildings in order to accommodate the 200 Pandits coming in 4 weeks.

There is nowhere remaining where this new group can be accommodated 
and we obviously do not want to turn them away now that the flood 
gates are open.

There is so little standing in the way now for an Invincible America-
a few small buildings. And what does an Invincible America mean? It 
means we have done it for the world, because as America goes, so goes 
the world. It means a world where positive trends like improved 
health, greater prosperity, greater fulfillment dominate, and the 
negative trends cannot even be remembered.

Charitable contributions can be made on-line at 
www.GlobalCountryofWorld Peace.net or by sending a check to Global 
Country of World Peace, 2000 Capital Boulevard, Maharishi Vedic City, 
IA 52556. Stock also can be accepted which might have certain 
advantages for you. Please call 1-800-373-9664 for further 

Or, if you prefer to contribute to the Pandit project by donating 
through Maharishi Vedic City, then please send a check to City Hall. 
1973 Grand Drive, Maharishi Vedic City, IA 52556, or contribute on-
line at www.MaharishiVedicCity-Iowa.gov.

Please give the maximum you can according to your ability without 
strain, but keeping in mind this will absolutely do it for America 
and we need to move fast, because four weeks is not far off.

Jai Guru Dev.

Raja Wynne
Raja of Maharishi Vedic America and
Mayor of Maharishi Vedic City

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