--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > In case anybody had been wondering where Barry got
> > the screed about Vedic animal sacrifice he pasted in
> > below, it's from a site called "Karma2Grace," which
> > purports to be interested in fostering understanding
> > between Christians and Hindus but which includes a
> > section called "Life Stories," composed of pieces by
> > former Hindus who saw the light and came to Jesus.
> > . . .
> > No wonder Barry didn't want to cite his source.
> Below is the URL that I found as a result of my
> Google search. I snipped the quote from there
> and reposted it to FFL. 
> http://www.hindunet.com/forum/showflat.php?
> http://tinyurl.com/yg9lmf
> Not quite as nefarious as Judy makes it sound, is it?

What's "nefarious" is that Barry took it at face value
without trying to find out where it came from because
it appeared to support his compulsion to attack MMY.

> Now, the REAL question one might ask is why someone
> who is a known apologist for Maharishi and the TM

Not, as Barry well knows.

> would spend all this time

Under a minute.  Probably under 30 seconds.

 trying to track down the
> source of the quote when the references to the parts
> of the Vedas that document animal sacrifice are right
> there in the quote itself. WHOEVER wrote the quote, 
> THAT would seem to be the issue, wouldn't it? A *real*
> scholar would look up the relevant sections in the
> Vedas and see if they said what this person (whoever
> it is) claims they said, and either confirm his stance 
> or refute it.

Where did I say or suggest that I was a "real scholar,"
Barry?  I do believe you made that up.

I don't doubt whoever wrote it was quoting accurately
from whatever translation they used.  But one would
have to be a learned scholar of Sanskrit and the Vedas
and Vedic civilization to have any idea of whether the
translation accurately reflects the original.
> But that's too much trouble for "scholar Judy." Her
> idea of "scholarship" and intellectual debate is to
> search the Internet to try to find something she
> can use to "kill the messenger." Like all True
> Believers, she's found that's much easier than 
> dealing with the message.

I have no interest in refuting the message, as I've
already pointed out; nor, of course, do I make any
claims for scholarship.  And as Barry knows, I'm not
at all a True Believer.

But note that Barry, rather than dealing with the
fact that he lifted a quote from a dubious source
without attribution for the purpose of discrediting
MMY, is himself attempting to shoot the bearer of
*that* message.

And doing so not with facts but with his own bilious

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