I have no doubt that Maharishi, with the assistance of academic heavyweights 
such as Hagelin (Ph.D. Harvard) and especially trustee Katz (D. Phil Oxford) 
has accomplished alot in several fields of scholarship..And in fact I agree 
with what my mentor from graduate school John Findlay (FBA, FAAAS) said to 
Susan Levin (Ph.D. UCBerkeley) during Findlay's much acclaimed visit to M.I.U. 
Fairfield in 1980 (check out the video in the M.U.M. library if you wish): 
there is no reason why in principle the ME shouldn't work (and indeed it may be 
working right now). Is Maharishi a great creative genius? Yes. Is he a 
phenomenon? No doubt. Does he deserve credit for transforming the world?  
Hegelin's recent assesments of that may not be far from true. But as a "Vedic 
scholar," in a fairly strict common usage of this appellation, M.M.Y. may have 
some limitations (as indeed we all do).
  nablusos108 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jonathan Chadwick 
> authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: --- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jonathan Chadwick <jochadw1@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > John Hagelin now routinely introduces Maharshi as "the greatest 
Vedic  scholar in the world." Are there any faculty from leading academic 
institutions who e.g. teach Sanskrit who agree with this?

In Hagelin's academic world a "scholar" is someone who has accomplised 
something great in the field of knowledge. Maharishi is a seer and 
therefore a "scholar"
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