--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jyouells2000" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > I don't understand why you would *ever* have been
> > (presumably unpleasantly) surprised to learn that MMY
> > sought out input from others.  If you were creating a
> > curriculum to teach something you thought was of great
> > importance, wouldn't *you* want to explore every
> > possible angle with others who might have something to
> > contribute, and incorporate into your curriculum
> > whatever of their thinking you found valuable?
> >
> > Seems to me assuming you have nothing to learn from
> > anybody would, at the very least, not be good
> > pedagogy.
> It would be difficult to be surprised about Maharishi seeking
> out input from others, because he never mentioned it.   Honest 
> disclosure, now THAT would be a surprise.... I always figured
> that MMY borrowed stuff from other teachers, that doesn't bother 
> me, but if he 'borrowed' it ALL, I'd like to know.

Just ask Vaj.  I'm sure he'll be happy to tell
you that. ;-)

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