Jim Flanegin writes;snipped
I see it similarly to the way you suggested- Yagyas operate 
karmically, in the most precise and efficient way possible; straight 
to the source. Similar to a puja I would think. I have not had one 
performed for me though, so can't comment on how it feels to be 
involved on either side. 

Tom T:
Back when I had more money than brains I had one done by the TMO. THis
is a piece of chapter 12 (titled Visions) from my book, Unlock Your
Spiritual Metaphors. You could put this down as my personal experience
with Yagyas.

Another very memorable vision for me happened at a time when I was
under a tremendous pressure from my divorce.  I had felt so
overwhelmed that I had asked to have a yagya done on my behalf.  A
yagya is a specific vedic recitation, chant and ceremony that is aimed
at alleviating specific symptoms.   I had asked for a yagya that would
be best for me at that time so I never found out exactly which one was
performed for me but I will never forget the experience.  I did not
know the yagya was scheduled for the specific night of this vision so
I believe I have eliminated any self-fulfilling prophecy.  The night
in question I remember hearing a phone ringing and a voice saying,
phone call for Tom.  As I awoke in the vision I was looking at the
back of a human head covered with very nice hair.  It felt like a
close-up one would see on TV.  After a few moments the camera
(observer) began backing away from the head until the back of the head
was framed in the picture but only took up about 50% of the frame.  At
this point the head split right down the middle and opened up just
like a well-done clamshell.  The dream at that point began to appear
in almost surrealistic colors that seemed gaudy and overly bright.  In
the middle of the picture was this fully formed brain in an incredible
detail that the observer of the vision knew to be exact in every fine
detail almost like having microscopic eyesight.  As I watched little
pieces of material like confetti began to fly out of the brain being
watched and to fly of into nowhere off the screen.  The confetti was
colored in a multitude of colors and there were more of some colors
than of others.  This continued for a very long time and eventually
stopped. After a rest period the clamshell head snapped shut as if it
had never been opened.  At that point the camera (observer) began to
back further away from the head and at the same time it began rolling
to the left so that one could see the head in profile.  As I began to
finally see the profile I realized wow that is my head that I have
been observing and I have been watching all this stuff get removed. 
Subsequently I have come to know that the yagya was doing its job and
I was seeing the results, as I am a visual type person. Although this
happened over 17 years ago it seems like it happened last night and
the immediacy of it right now is stunning to me.  

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