12 January, 2007 

In a global celebration by satellite television and the Internet, His 
Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi inaugurated the Year of Capital of 
Global Raam Raj. 

Today Maharishi presided over the worldwide inauguration of the Year 
of Capital of Global Raam Raj—to be established in the Brahmasthan of 
India, geographical centre of India, by the end of July on Guru 
Purnima Day. 

>From this centre of world peace, 16,000 Vedic Pandits will create an 
influence of peace, progress, and prosperity for every nation, 
through their daily routine of Yoga and Yagya—timeless procedures 
expressing the Will of God to restore balance in Nature and create 
Heaven on Earth for all generations to come. 

Following the global Puja to Shri Guru Dev, Maharishi's Master, 
Maharishi declared that our administrator of Raam Raj, His Majesty 
Maharaja Nader Raam, First Sovereign Ruler of the Global Country of 
World Peace, is now deeply over-flooded with the blessings of Guru 
Dev. Just as rivers come to irrigate a whole field, these blessings 
of Total Knowledge, the Constitution of the Universe, have flowed 
onto Raja Raam from Guru Dev and through Raja Raam to all of us and 
to the whole world. 

Today Maharishi said that the administration of life in the world 
will now be complete for everyone. Today the whole field of 
experience has blossomed into that richness of Total Knowledge that 
every aspect of life, small or big, here, there, and everywhere, will 
be flooded with bliss. 

Life has the potential of the ocean and it can never be satisfied 
with drops, or flowing in streams; it has to be unlimited, unbounded, 
unfathomable bliss, totality of life. 

Maharishi explained that Raam Raj is the administration of totality. 
Totality is in all expressions of life—material, mental, ego, and 
cosmic ego, and in all the variety of human behaviour and the world. 
The creativity and sustenance of every level of life is included in 
the totality. Life is a complete whole, and that system of 
administration that educates the people to live life in its complete 
wholeness is the administration of Brahm, totality, Raam Raj. 

Vedic history, Maharishi said, presents that reign of Raam—a time of 
ideal life on earth—which now, with the Grace of Guru Dev, is coming 
up to be the living reality of all mankind through the administration 
of our dear Maharaja Nader Raam, who has been blessed with Guru Dev's 
blessing in order to have the total field of life on earth in terms 
of the total potential of life, Bliss Consciousness. 

This potential of everything is human potential, divine potential, 
the Will of God. To awaken this reality of life in everyone born on 
earth will be the administration of Maharaja Raja Raam. 

Administrators should be competent to bestow anything to anyone who 
desires anything—and anything is a possibility in the transcendental, 
unmanifest field. In the most silent avenue of one's Being, 
everything is a possibility, and this is the state of life that will 
be opened for everyone in the world, Maharishi said. 

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