> > 
> > Right. This is why I keep emphasizing that an experience of CC 
> > not involve a sense of geographic location as being behind, over, 
> > in front of the body. Witnessing does not give a sense of 
location of 
> > the Self as in the body or out of the body. On the other hand, 
> > illness or drug induced dislocation of the personality out of the 
> > body can be described as pathological as you've stated. I can 
> > understand the confusion since the term witnessing or flatness of 
> > experience could be interpreted as the pathology described in the 
> > article on Depersonalization but if you read the article 
> > you can only conclude that what is being spoken of is not what we 
> > experience in the practices of TM unless an individual is already 
> > prone to this state. 
> > 
> > If you were to ask where the self or sense of personality is 
> > before CC, you would have to conclude that the I-ness seems to be 
> > located in the head just behind the eyes. This is where the habit 
> > thinking takes place, seeing, hearing, etc. The habitual location 
> > the small self seems to be in this location. As the Self becomes 
> > generalized, this location becomes less and less pronounced but 
> > definitely not outside the body. 
> > 
> > People whose sense of self resides outside the body cannot 
> > since one of the requirements for a successful TM experience is 
> > all the bodies from the grossest to the most subtle, seven in 
> > must be perfectly aligned, one within the other. This is why 
> > on drugs cannot meditate. Drugs, alcohol, anesthetics, etc.,  
> > the self or personality out of the body. 
> > 
> I question this conclusion,. however. If you can think, you can 

I agree, this is the instruction: ' If you can think, you can 

But, I do remember Maharishi commenting on Krishnamurti's teachings, 
and claiming that(Krishnamurti), was in CC.
And I agree, CC, can be a very flat, detatched experience; if you 
read any of Krishnamurti's work, or hear him speak; he's rather flat. 
I think.
As far as being 'outside the body', this can occur from drugs and 
What is called a 'black-out' in alcoholism, is nothing more than the 
soul leaving the body- as the body becomes polluted to the extent 
that the soul retreats from the body, and then open to other 'lower 
I think most people, 'leave their body', when they fall asleep.

Part of beginning to feel the 'Unity', I feel, is to begin to take 
responsiblity for everything which happens to you.
Start to feel, that everything that happens,that you created it to be 
that way, or at least your soul did.
And the more we can feel that there is no more us, or them, or anyone 
or anything that created anything for us that we didn't want or need;

And start accepting the infinite potential which takes- letting go of 
any need to feel victimized or superior to anything...
Then you have allowed for 'oneness', to 'be'.
"United we stand, divided we fall"

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