They want donations already? If someone who reads
TurquoiseB's post abuut the court jester is willing to
come to my town and dress like one and put on a show
for me, I'll kick in 10 bucks.     

--- dhamiltony2k5 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Meditators, Citizen Sidhas, and Governors,
> On January 14th at 3:30 PM EST there will be a
> national conference 
> call with all of the American Rajas and all of the
> Ministers of the 
> Global Country of World Peace in Holland.
> The purpose of this call is to describe the plans to
> create a new 
> university in the geographic center of the United
> States—in the 
> Brahmasthan of America, in Kansas. This university,
> called Central 
> University, will offer the curriculum of Total
> Knowledge, the unified 
> field, which will have a unifying effect on the
> whole country.
> There will be 200 students from each of the 50
> states—a total of 
> 10,000 students, all practicing the Transcendental
> Meditation and TM-
> Sidhi program together at the same time. This
> initiative is possible 
> now that America is achieving invincibility through
> the almost 2000 
> Yogic Flyers in Maharishi Vedic City and Maharishi
> University of 
> Management in Iowa.
> The goal is to have the construction of the
> buildings of Central 
> University well underway by Guru Purnima in July of
> this year, 
> parallel with the construction in the World Capital
> of Peace in the 
> Brahmasthan of India for 16,000 Vedic Pandits.
> In the next few days we would like to reach all
> Meditators, Citizen 
> Sidhas, and Governors, other well-wishers of peace,
> and educational 
> foundations, to invest in, or donate to, the
> construction of Central 
> University. We would like expressions of support
> from everyone 
> interested and how much they would be interested in
> investing or 
> donating.  Each Raja has set up procedures for this,
> but potential 
> supporters could express their interest also by
> sending an email to 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] or by calling
> 1-800-373-9664. 
> To connect with the conference call tomorrow please
> dial 512-225-3019 
> and enter code 60345#. And please let us know any
> questions you might 
> have in advance by contacting us at the email or
> phone number above.
> Jai Guru Dev.
> Raja Dean 
> Raja of Washington 
> Raja Wynne
> Raja of Maharishi Vedic America
> To subscribe, send a message to:
> Or go to: 
> and click 'Join This Group!' 
> Yahoo! Groups Links

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