--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In all seriousness, I think the thing that would most
> benefit the TM movement (and thus the world) is the 
> creation of one "job" there in Vlodrop. The position
> would be to act as court fool to Maharishi.
> As captured so well in Shakespeare (probably more than
> in real life) the court fool was a really important
> figure in the royal courts of Europe. The job duties
> of the fool were simple -- TO TELL THE TRUTH. The fool
> was pretty much the only person in the court who could,
> and would, tell the king what was REALLY going on, and
> what his decisions had accomplished or failed to accomp-
> lish in the real world outside the palace.
> I suggest that there is a strong need for such a position
> within the TM movement....


MMY is well aware of the true state of affairs in the world, which is 
why he embraces and accedes to things that can't work. Why? He 
spelled out this policy back in the 60s, in a pamphlet entitled "The 
Divine Plan," the Divine Plan being to unfold enlightenment values 
gradually in order to avoid creating "fear and havoc" in an ignorant 

"When the objectivity [man's material life] overtakes subjectivity 
[the divine intelligence in man -- more from MMY on 
material/spiritual life at 
http://geocities.com/bbrigante/sevenstates.html#self ] completely 
then the only way left for the subjectivity is that it should 
gradually rise up in such a way that its regeneration does not in any 
way tend to overthrow the validity of material life. On the other 
hand, the manner of spiritual regeneration should be such that 
instead of creating fear and havoc to material life, the growing 
spiritual values should supplement and reinforce the values of 
material existence. This is the working policy of the Divine Plan. 
The Spiritual Regeneration Movement is carrying this out."

If MMY were to employ responsible people instead of fat wankerish 
slobs like Bevan and the rest of the army of crackpots, and back 
plans that were actually viable, then the onset of enlightenment 
would be too rapid for the world to accommodate. You can (and will, 
I'm sure) deride this analysis, but it is one he made long ago and is 
a level of analysis that only one operating from the level of cosmic 
intelligence is capable of making.

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