...that would explain his concept of 'Self-Realization' now wouldn't
it, but if you use the word Soul, yikes that smarts of
Religion...can't do! So let's just call it CC. Gettin' the picture???
 CC is Self Realization or realization of Spirit or Brahman in
relation to your SELF or SOUL! (Limited to your reflection as the
individual Soul)

GC is realization of the SOUL of the UNIVERSE (formless, appearing as
any form dear to your heart)as the PERSONAL God Limited to creation.

and UC is realization of "I am that, thou art that, and all of this is
nothing but that". (Unlimited)

It's all a progressive expansion of consciousness, you don't realize
Brahman, (UC) and then come back and realize GC, that's just nonsense.

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