Men throughout the ages have all of this pride in celibacy. All of them  fail 
at it. The information that I have
through channeled 7th dimensional masters is that Guru Deve was not a life  
long celibate. You cannot have one side of the coin without the other. Balance  
is the key, not complete denial about your shakti energy. If
one is to ascend then one much embrace the root chakra as well as the  
others. Also, the goddess energy
is in a state of denial when you avoid the sexual aspect of life. Men have  
denied themselves the goddess and the goddess has felt ashamed of its sexuality 
 because men are threatened by her power. So they told her
she should be ashamed. In the higher worlds of the fifth, sixth and seventh  
dimensions it is normal to exchange energy with others on a daily basis. They  
are more concerned with upper charka climax. The climax they experience 
through  the crown chakra is 100 times more powerful and enjoyable than the 
 climax. On earth we are primarily concerned with genital climax and this 
limits  our appreciation for the sexual experience. As we continue to grow in 
higher  states of consciousness we will eventually be more drawn to a 
neurological  climax. Until then we have to process our limited view of 
sexuality till we 
can  achieve a new approach to love making. Those who have a lot of sexual 
energy and  enjoy the fantasy of love making or pure sex should not be ashamed 
as they  process there own experiences through masturbation or with another 
human being.  Ideally one would be processing their stuff with another 
human being  and work together to develop a more enlightened aspect of 
sexuality. Tantra Yoga  offers a start to this type of experience but the 
emphasis on 
saving energy and  controlling the experience is not a part of a higher 
teaching of Tantra. Love  and Light. Lou Valentino.

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