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           An Invincible Military for the USA:
Invincible Defense Technology  Transcending the Politics of Conflict Resolution
Creating an Invincible America  Invincible means unconquerable. 
  America has the most powerful armed forces in the world. Despite this, 
America still suffers from terrorism, and military and civilian casualties. If 
America's military were invincible, terrorism and casualties would end. 
  War is a cycle. Social stress builds, and diplomats cannot solve their 
differences. Groups take sides, resulting in enemies. Military strength is 
meant to deter enemies. When deterrence fails, the armed forces are called in 
to fight. This, in turn, creates more social stress, fueling future wars.
  This is the typical military model:
  Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) is a scientifically studied solution that 
reduces societal stress. It helps diplomatic solutions succeed. IDT is the best 
non-lethal defense system and force multiplier. Invincible Defense Technology 
is the acme of skill in psychological operations (PSYOP / PSYOPS) and 
psychological warfare (PSYWAR). This is because Invincible Defence Technology 
prevents enemies from arising, breaking the war cycle. IDT is the ultimate 
means of conducting Operations Other Than War (OOTW). Invincible Defence 
Technology creates and maintains the supreme goal of the art of war -- victory 
before war.
  Qualities of Invincible Defense Technology:
   sea-based and/or land-based   
  Invincible Defense Technology is designed be effective regardless of 
political circumstances. It can also enhance the warrior's performance -- 
please read Part I from an academic paper published by a leading defense think 
  We are an advocacy group that believes America's military and civilian 
leaders have the courage to implement Invincible Defense Technology as part of 
Operations Other Than War (OOTW). 
  Curious? See the explanation.
  The main component of Invincible Defense Technology seems to have an effect 
on global consciousness, according to new research. Dr. Roger Nelson at 
Princeton University is conducting research using a worldwide network of 50 
random generator computers. These random generators became less chaotic when a 
large group of Invincible Defense Technology experts congregated. Details. 
    Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice  Police science, rehabilitation and 
crime prevention has been well-studied by Invincible Defense scientists. See 
this list of Police Science and Invincible Defense Technology papers.
  What the Bleep Do We Know!?: Quantum physicist Dr. John Hagelin appeared in 
this movie. Read a short summary of his experiment using Invincible Defense 
Technology to reduce crime in Washington D.C.
  Time magazine ran a photograph of Israeli experts demonstrating Invincible 
Defence Technology as its pick of the week's best pictures.
  The Navy Times, Air Force Times, Marines Times and Army Times ran an article 
in May, 2005 supporting the use of Ecstasy to treat the Post-Traumatic Stress 
Disorder (PTSD). In response, psychiatrist James L. Fleming, M.D. and brain 
researcher Kenneth G. Walton, Ph.D. wrote a letter on how the Transcendental 
Meditation (TM) program is a proven and effective treatment Post-Traumatic 
Stress Disorder (PTSD). This letter was published in the 4 April 2005 issue of 
the Navy Times, Army Times and Air Force Times. More details.
  Israel National Radio Interview with Dr. David Leffler -- The Tovia Singer 
Show interviewed Dr. Leffler on December 28, 2005 on how Invincible Defence 
technology could bring peace to the Middle East. (edited - introduction and 
13-minute interview) Dr. Leffler is a director at the Center for Advanced 
Military Science (CAMS) and was also recently interviewed on Enlighten Your 
Life (KKNW AM 1150 in Seattle). The hour long program is archived online - see 
- Date "10.24.06." 
  Specific concerns and arguments about Invincible Defense Technology are 
addressed at a new website, launched by IDT scientist David Orme-Johnson at 
  In response to the growing wars in the Middle East, the Invincible America 
course is happening now (since the summer of 2006) in our nation's capital and 
Iowa. More than 1,200 experts in Invincible Defense Technology are 
participating. Details at www.InvincibleAmerica.org. 
          Compelling Books and Articles
By Senior Military Officers and Other Experts
  See an article that discusses a peer-reviewed study showing 72% reduction in 
international terrorism using this unique approach. This research used Rand 
Corporation data and was published in Defence India: "Homeland Security with 
Unified Field-Based Defense Technology" by Maj. Gen. (Retd) Kulwant Singh, 
Ph.D., U.Y.S.M., Col. Brian Rees, M.D., M.P.H., U.S. Army, Michael Larrass, 
Ph.D., and David R. Leffler, Ph.D.
  Please see a feature article about co-author Col. Brian Rees entitled "Army 
Doctor Proactive in Trying to Keep Patients and Society Healthy" in the 05 
April 04 issue of Stars and Stripes. Dr. Rees is profiled on two videos "Vision 
of Service" and "Chance to Give Back" available on "The Official US Army 
Recruiting Website." 
        Terrorism, Retaliation and Victory -- Awaken the Soul of America to 
Defeat Terrorism without Casualties -- Colonel (Dr.) Brian M. Rees, former 
Brigade Surgeon US Army, Bagram, Afghanistan, builds a case for America to 
utilize Invincible Defense Technology to end terrorism. "There is research in 
the field of conflict resolution [Invincible Defense Technology] that shows 
great promise. But it requires that we think way outside the box. Hold on to 
your hats and I will introduce you to an approach that has held up under 
rigorous evaluation. Dr. Rees is an advisor at the Center for Advanced Military 
Science (CAMS) and was recently interviewed on Enlighten Your Life (KKNW AM 
1150 in Seattle). The hour long program is archived online - see - "9.26.06 
Colonel Brian Rees, M.D., M.P.H."     Project: Coherence -- Lieutenant General 
José Villamil, the former Vice-Minister of Defense of Ecuador, used Invincible 
Defense Technology to quickly end Ecuador's war with Peru. He thinks
 the United States could prevent more wars and terrorist attacks. Article 
published by India Defence Consultants, a defense think tank.       Operation: 
World Peace -- Article in Defence India by Major General Guru Israni (editor of 
Combat Journal). He argues that the attacks of September 11th could have been 
prevented with this technology.
      The Silent Antidote to Terrorism -- Major General Kulwant Singh 
co-authored this article, along with Dr. Kurt Kleinschnitz and Dr. David R. 
Leffler. It was published on Veteran's Day, 2004 in OpEdNews.com and also 
reprinted by India Defence Consultants. Also, Defence Talk published Preventing 
Terrorism: Paving the Way to Peace With Invincible Defense Technology on 18 
January 2005.
  Invincible Defense Technology Proposed As Homeland Defense* -- Article 
published in U.S. Medicine, a major national magazine for health professionals 
based in Washington, DC. Major General Singh, and other scientists advocate 
deployment of Invincible Defense Technology. This article discusses his press 
conference on the morning of 9/11/01 when he said "I think with all of this 
[terrorism] today, America needs a new approach to protection." (*Note - the 
link to this article goes to the U.S. Medicine website)
      Danish Minister of Defense Soeren Gade* -- Article by Jim Karpen 
published by The Review on 14 June 2004. Søren Gade, the Minister of Defence 
for Denmark, recently attended a conference where film maker David Lynch and 
physicist Dr. John Hagelin gave presentations about how Invincible Defense 
Technology (IDT) could be deployed in Denmark. Regarding the use of IDT, 
Defense Minister Gade said, "We share the same goal: Peace and security. There 
are many ways of achieving peace, I believe that the Peace Keepers of the 
United Nations is a good way of doing this, but it is important to discuss 
other methods of achieving peace." (*Note - the link to this article goes to 
the DavidLeffler.com website)
    Lieutenant General Tobias Dai, Defense Minister of Mozambique selected 
military units of the Mozambique Ground, Naval and Air Forces to use IDT to 
help end civil war. "Sometimes major discoveries take time to be fully accepted 
and used. Nevertheless, these examples in human history should be a lesson so 
as to avoid committing new mistakes. Let us recall that history is made by 
those who, in life, think beyond their contemporaries." - From "Invincible 
Defense: A New 'Secret Weapon!'",* an article by leading scientists and a U.S. 
Navy SEAL officer published in Canadian Centres for Teaching Peace. (*Note - 
the link to this article goes to the Centres website)      The late Major 
General Franklin M. Davis, Jr. predicted in 1973 that, while the 20th century 
would be known as "the age of space exploration," the 21st century would be 
"the age of the mind" with the main component of Invincible Defense Technology 
having a very important place. Major General Davis was Commandant
 of the U.S. Army War College at the time. He was quoted in "The Military 
Meditators," an article in Family, the Magazine of The Army Times, July 4, 
  www.davidleffler.com is a more comprehensive website with an international 
perspective on Invincible Defence
  Please join Invincible Military's email newsletter list. Your privacy is 
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