> > On Jan 21, 2007, at 11:38 AM, Marek Reavis wrote:
> > 
> > >>
> > > [Maharishi and the TMO have long been strong proponents of 
> avoiding
> > > anything that evenly faintly smacks of anything "hippie".  As 
> old
> > > hippie, and living in a part of California where hippie culture 
> still
> > > flourishes, I find that unfortunate.]
> > 
> > I always have as well.  It really just occurred to me
> > that rather than being anything against hippie culture
> > per se, that since many of us have so many pleasant
> > memories of that time and feel so much of a connection
> > to it, it was more of an attempt to get us to deny our 
> > collective past (and therefore an important part of
> > ourselves) so the TMO could then "remake" us in its own
> > image, sort of like the army.
> Actually it wasn't about getting TMers to deny part
> of themselves so the TMO could "remake" them.  It
> was a lot simpler than that: because MMY wanted TM
> and the TMO to be seen as mainstream by the rest of
> the world.
> It was a PR move, in other words.
> MMY wanted TM to be adopted by business and government
> and mainline churches and so on and thought, most
> likely correctly, that a hippie-dippie image would get
> in the way of that goal.  Hippies, after all, didn't
> tend to have money and influence; and churches would
> automatically resist anything that looked New Age-y,
> or, God forbid, Hindu.

Yeah, this is what happened; but,
The thing is,
It was more of a total cultural change in America;
Started with the death of John Lennon, the defeat of Jimmy Carter;
And the installation of Reagan as President. 
Reagan was governor of California, and always stood for anti-hippiedom
Pat Buchanan was working for Reagan then, and he is still working to 
wipe out the hippies...
 Marijuana is still illegal, and against federal law?
But slowly the hippies are making a return, slowly, surely...
But this competes
 w/ corporate values, which are based in and of profit.
China has the same religious values.
Hippies are not tolerated in China; neither is anyone who happens to 
not want to work, 18 hours a day...

According to: Corporate/Military Amerika:
Hippies are considered 'losers'.
Donald Trump is thought of to be clever and successful and why 

             Paris Hilton is ooo wee.
                              -Money doesn't talk, it screams.

If you look at the picture of Maharishi, circa 1961-

'Strolling with Tatwala Baba'- 
This scene makes any Woodstock era stuff- seem like kindergarten.
 Like George Harrison says: 'Brainwashed to the bone.

Anyway, ask Ganesh, he knows whats been going down!

P.S. What the heck happened to Jimmy Carter- seems to be going off 
the deep end?

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