--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just as a question, sparaig, have you meditated today?
> You seem to be up pretty early. So did you meditate
> *before* logging on and writing this, or do you intend
> to do it later...maybe?

And just what the *hell* business is this of yours?

> I'm not a big fan of John Knapp, either, but I was 
> wondering which was more important to you -- cruising
> the net to "protect TM from its enemies," or actually
> practicing the thing you're trying to "protect?"

Let's have *your* practice schedule so we can see
exactly what's more important to *you*, bashing
TM/MMY/TMO/TMers or advancing your own evolution.

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