BS III.1.1 (292)

tadantarapratipattau ramhati saMparisSvaktaH

Without sandhi: tat; antara-pratipattau...


tat   that

 antara         mf(%{A}) n. being in the interior , interior ; near ,
proximate , related , intimate ; lying adjacent to ; distant ;
different from ; exterior ; (%{am}) n. the interior ; a hole , opening
; the interior part of a thing , the contents ; soul , heart , supreme
soul ; interval , intermediate space or time ; period ; term ;
opportunity , occasion ; place ; distance , absence ; difference ,
remainder ; property , peculiarity ; weakness , weak side ;
representation ; surety , guaranty ; respect , regard ; (ifc.) ,
different , other , another e.g. %{dezA7ntaram} , another country ;
(%{am}) , or %{-ta4s} ind. in the interior , within

pratipatti [pratipattau: locative  ("in-case") singular? - card]f.
acquiring, getting, perceiving, understanding, wisdom, intelligence,
supposition, assertion, statement; agreement, admission; giving,
bestowing on (loc. or ---); honouring, respecting; causing, effecting;
undertaking, beginning, proceeding at or with (gen. or loc.); means
against (gen.) to (loc.).

raMh    (for %{raGgh}) ; cf. %{laGgh} and %{raghu} , %{laghu} cl. 1. P.
(Dha1tup. xvii , 83) %*****{ra4Mhati}***** (RV. also A1. %{ra4Mhate} ,
%{ra4MhamANa} ; pf. %{raraMha4} Bhat2t2. ; fut. %{raMhitA} ,
%{-hiSyati} ; aor. %{araMhIt} Gr.) , to hasten , speed (trans. and
intrans.) ; to cause to go or flow ; to go or flow RV. 

sampariSvakta   mfn. closely embraced S3Br. MBh.

 prazna 1 m. question, demand, inquiry, controversy; task, lesson.

nirUpaNa a. (---) & n. determining, defining.

prashna-niruupanaabhyaam: in dual (here: prashna-niruupana) inflection
the instrumental, dative and ablative cases are identical in form,
with the ending -bhyaam.
In this case, in genuine suutra style, that should perhaps be
considered ablative dual, but who knows, 
or, for that matter, cares... :D

Swami's translation:

In order to obtain another body (the soul) goes enveloped (by subtle
elements) (as appears from) the question and explanation (in the
scripture, Chhandogya).

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