I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm really
enjoying this latest snafu on Yahoo. It's provided
me with a fun and interesting lesson in awareness.

As far as I can tell, the delay between when you
send your post and when it appears is about ten
hours. So I'm just now seeing posts I made this
morning, over breakfast. 

And as I read them, it's like I can't identify 
with them at all. I'm in a completely different 
state of attention reading them than I was when 
I wrote them. And from this new state of attention, 
I see what I had written before from an entirely 
different point of view. 

I often find my self laughing at my self. Or 
rather, that self, this morning's self. It's toast, 
a goner, an ex-parrot. It's bleedin' demised. 

I think of this as progress, because the new
self laughs more.

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Shit. Now I've got my self wondering what the 
new self will think of this post tomorrow
morning, when I get to read it. :-)

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