A new topic, hopefully bias- and argumentation-free.

Because the topic has come up on several different
forums of which I am a member lately, with edifying
answers, I pass the question along to Fairfield Life:

What criteria would convince you that someone you
met was enlightened?

Because I'm posting the question, I might as well
provide my answer. First, I would never assume that
anyone I had *not* met physically was enlightened. 
For that matter, I would never assume *for sure* that
anyone I *had* met was enlightened, although I might
develop what Judy calls a "working hypothesis" that
they might be enlightened.

The *only* criterion I can think of that would lead
me to develop such a hypothesis involves meditating
in the same room with the person as *they* meditate.
Not just once, but many times over a period of
(hopefully) some months, or even years. 

If, in each of those meditations, I had the clear,
subjective experience of sustained samadhi -- not 
just a few isolated moments of it, but long, 
extended periods of pure, no-thought samadhi, for 
20-30 minutes at a time -- I might begin to develop 
a working hypothesis that this person could be 

*No other criteria* would influence me in any
way. The ability to perform siddhis or "miracles"
means diddleysquat in my opinion. Psychic abilities
or the ability to heal people means diddleysquat.
The ability to "see" the future, again diddleysquat.
How the person speaks and acts and expresses his or 
her subjective experience with enlightenment is a 
minor factor, one that might mitigate *against*
enlightenment if, say, the person meditates well
but expresses a lot of anger and lower emotions,
or has a habit of kicking dogs and small children :-)
but again it's not a major factor.

So what would *your* criteria be, if you've
formulated them? I'm honestly curious, because
so many here and on other forums seem completely
convinced that people they've met or people who
are no longer alive but whom they've read about
or heard about *are* enlightened. So I'd like
to know on what basis you feel that way. Thanks
in advance.


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