In a message dated 1/28/07 6:09:06 P.M. Central  Standard Time, 
Wrong, I never said anybody had to be  grateful to us for spending 
our money 
> there or giving  aid,

That was the implication in context--that they
were wrong to hate  us because we were giving them
all this money.

but your premise that  they hate us because we prop up 
> their corrupt governments is wrong. The  main reason for animosity 
for the 
> United States in the middle east  is our defense of Israel.

That's another reason. It's all of a piece,  along
with our occupation of Iraq. That's why it's so
easy for terrorists  to recruit members.

Muslims are hell bent 
> on the destruction of  Israel and return of that land to Muslims. 
Anybody that 
> gets in the  way and prevents that, is causing them a great deal 
> frustration  and anger. Many of the governments in that region have 
learned to deal  
> with it and accept our position, but they keep their populations  
anger and 
> frustration focused on American support of Israel as a  diversion 
for what they 
> aren't providing for their own  people.

What I said was in response to jflanegi's statement that  "it's odd that they 
are seen as hate-filled fanatics and yet it is we in the US  that brought 
Hell to their countries." My response was."What countries do you  speak of that 
we brought hell to? Afghanistan, or Iraq?Hell was already there  long before we 
set foot there. The rest of the middle eastern countries, we have  just 
poured billions of dollars into either in aid or for oil." I basically  
jflanig's premise that we introduced hell to the middle east. That  region of 
the world has been a hell hole for generations and not the fault of  the US. If 
anything,  we have done more than anybody to make their lives  better by 
pouring billions of dollars into their countries either through trade  or by 
and to blame their misery on the US is BS.< Yet, Judy you say  they hate us 
because we prop up their corrupt governments. I doubt anybody in  the middle 
would say Saddam wasn't at least near the top of the list on  corruption and 
while the United States may have used him to keep Iran in check,  we also 
removed him and made an effort to give the Iraqi's a new constitution  that 
wrote and ratified and a government that they elected. The primary  reason for 
terrorism in Iraq is Iraqi Baathist wanting to regain control and  foreign 
terrorists who have absolutely no interest in Iraq or Iraqi suffering  but, 
to kill Americans for their support of Israel. The idea being, if you  drive 
American troops from Iraq , you can probably drive them out of the region  
altogether making the ultimate goal of destroying Israel easier and maybe even  
western Europe. Remember Islamic terrorism is fueled by religious hatred for  
Jews and those that support them, not hatred for their own corrupt  

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