So that the old civilizations adored God-Mother?   

  In the old civilizations one deeply adored God-Mother and an icon 
or symbol referring to the element never needed Mother. 

In old Egypt it is ISIS; in the Aztec civilization it is TONANTZIN; 
already by the medieval alchemists, she is STELLA MARIS, the queen of 
the sea. The Hindus (Indian) called it of DEVI KUNDALINI SHAKTY; in 
the Greek civilization it is CIBELES, CRIMINAL, ADONIA, INSOBERTA…. 
and in the Christianity, it was represented by MARIA. 

  Therefore, Maria or Our Lady is the representation of God like 
mother, for that reason She is virgin. It is always the Madona that 
brings in its arms the young Christ. In the creation of God the 
presence of the mother in everything is seen clearly and is why it 
exists in the nature the grace and the same love of mother so 
indispensable for the animals and the ants.  

 It is the gestadora, She is the great conception, She is the food, 
the house, the home, the nature and the world. It is the always 
present maternal love in all woman….The human mother is not nothing 
else that the image and similarity of the universal mother, of the 
mother of God. If God is Father, is Mother also, because they are two 
parts of He himself. 

It is good also for remembering, that during the crucifixión of 
Christ, they were present in front of the cross, Maria and the 
apostle Juan, where the crucificado Christ said to Maria: 

  "WOMAN, THERE AM YOUR SON HERE".  Immediately going to the apostle 
Juan, it said:  


  The Son of the Man, very wise, understood deeply that Maria, being 
woman and mother, was dressed like manifestation of the Spiritual and 
individual Cosmic Mother. The Son of the Man brought the doctrine 
of "I I am I walk, the truth and the life", but he does not mean that 
he denies the principle mother in all the things and all the orders. 

  The element Mother was present in the Hindu culture, the Mayan 
culture, the Egyptian culture, etc., etc. 

God in its maternal aspect is Our Lady who all good Christian loves 
and venerates deeply. The Egyptian litanies, Hindu and Christian 
agree wonderfully and surprising… She is our queen of all the hours 
and every day… Blessed is God, blessed he is the Father and the 
Mother. All we must to love deeply God-Mother, all we must to 
venerate it in
more intimate as well as Father venerates to and to Christ, because 
she is She who whole develops it and is She who whole destroys, 
according to the will of God-Father.  



"… It unfolds itself in Her and commands, directs, destroys. 

It eliminates the undesirable foods that we took in our interior, 

on the condition of a continuous work on we ourself… 

V.M. Samael Even Weor 


If Our Lady has a so special connotation in the primitive 
Christianity he is because in her God-Mother is represented, without 
which is not possible the manifestation of Trinidad or Verbo in the 
man. Each human creature has her particular and individual Divine 
Mother; It in itself is a part of our own one To be. 

God-Mother in our privacy is the feminine aspect of our FATHER who is 
privily. Know, dear reader, that in the Astral thing she can find his 
Individual Divine Mother and receive oral lessons, besides to feel 
his deep love. 


Who it loves TO ELIMINATE the EGO, bony, the psychological defects of 
the wrath, pride, covet, jealousy, envy, gula, lujuria, fear, 
attachment, etc., etc., must request and implorar so that the Divine 
Mother eliminates these defects. 

The work of dissolution of the Ego must be made at the moment in 
moment and of moment in moment, as long as it is observed that the 
Ego is pronounced in the thought, the feeling and our acts. 


The elimination must be requested although determined I pronounce 
repeated times. He does not matter must request his elimination every 
time he returns to pronounce itself. Whichever times I pronounce 
myself, so many times requests myself by his elimination. ësta is the 
death in march. This is the death of the ego… The death of the ego 
turns out to be indispensable for which anxiety to be developed inner 
spiritual and, so that it never forgets to ask the Divine Mother so 
that it eliminates the car-observed defect. " Car-observed Defect, 
dead defect". We must request thus: 


" Mother mine sácame this defect, elimínalo" 


This it is the only means to eliminate the ego and to save his soul. 


The psychological work consists of car-observing daily what we are 
doing. If we are doing something that is harming to us and the others 
to us, not to do this and to ask to him the Divine Mother so that it 
eliminates east defect. 

The car-observation consists of seeing the I-defect without 
justifying themselves and being punished, as soon as to study it, to 
include/understand it and to eliminate it. 

Nobody has the right to show the defect in the other if also it has 
it, because to see the defect in another one it is to see it within 
one same one. The true gnóstico is that that when seeing the defect 
in its brother looks for means and forms to help it, then knows how 
painful, difficult and conflicting it is the ego in his interior. The 
car-observation consists of observing its own defects and not those 
of the others. 


Our Divine Mother has the power to pulverize any psychological 

Only It has an igneous power superior to the mind to eliminate the I-
defect. Being understood that with the mind the ego is not 

When the ego is dying, we are giving form to our freer, more 
creative, stronger and beautiful, wiser, intuitive, inner intelligent 
soul that is the superior conscience transforming to us into, and 
with more love so that it allows us to arrive at God that is the 
source of the eternal and true happiness. 


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