"I will be happy to express my own version of the ME with other
meditation techniques when MMY passes over in July or August of this

Note in DayTimer for end of August:

If MMY is still fogging a mirror held under his nose on the last day
of August, accept Lou's apology on FFL for posing as a person with
magical predictive powers.

If MMY fails to fog the mirror on that day post an apology on FFL for
doubting Lou's predictive powers and email him a list of horses
running the next week with a mutually beneficial business proposal.

P.S. to my future self:  If you haven't dropped that last ten pounds
by then you have seen your last Terra Chip dipped in guacamole washed
down with a Corona and lime dude!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I still haven't figured out how to respond directly through this
forum.  Give 
> me some time and I will figure it out.
> Sorry for this. I will get over the MMY TMO stuff. The reaction from
> audience tells me that it is a waste of time and I agree to not
further discuss  
> the fundamentalism of the TMO. I will be happy to express my own
version of 
> the  ME with other meditation techniques when MMY passes over in
July or August 
> of  this year. All meditators will be welcome in my home as well as the 
> Sidha's. I  mean all meditation techniques practiced by others also.
It will be a 
> time for  many different views comeing together. Silence will always
be the  
> foundation. Love and joy can always win in the field of duality if
we give it a  
> chance. I don't fully agree with the system of non-duality because
it has  
> crippled India on a material level. Meditation does not carry you
along the path  
> of conscious awareness. Life is meant to be lived. If nothing is
worth living 
>  for because nothing is real then it is a self defeating attitude. Many 
> people  are starving to death because of this. Amachi, SSRS and many
others are 
> correct.  We must act with love and service when we come out of our
> programs.  Lsoma.

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