--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Marcus G Walsh"
> <walsh_marcus@> wrote:
> >
> > Hello everybody, I'm very glad that people are reporting 
> > these things because I've had no idea about what really 
> > is going on in Fairfield. That is so trajic. Its sad. I'm 
> > living in Ontario, Canada and have been a "fan" of TM and 
> > the whole idea of Maharishis programmes being made 
> > available for world peace.
> Marcus, one thing to bear in mind when reading
> this forum is that a lot of the participants
> have been *very* involved with the TM movement
> for many years. Most of them have distanced them-
> selves from the silliness that has overcome the
> organization, but many still feel positive about
> TM itself and the benefits they have received from
> it.
> The things Tom mentioned in his recent post *are*
> tragic, but in my opinion they reflect a lack in
> the TM organization more than they do a problem
> with meditation in general, or even with TM in
> particular. A lot of people basically devoted their
> *lives* to Maharishi and the TM movement, working
> for little or no pay for decades, and now they're
> gettin' old (as Neil Young said so well) and finding
> themselves with no Social Security (because they
> never worked at "real" jobs enough to earn any),
> no medical benefits, and no savings. And they're
> finding that the organization they gave their lives
> to doesn't give a shit about them. Yes, it's sad,
> but I don't think it's a condemnation of TM per se
> or meditation per se, just a condemnation of an 
> organization that never had much compassion in the
> first place and has developed less and less of it
> as the years went by.
> <snip>
> > What would be your advice to me about allowing my 3 and 
> > a half year old daughter to take the technique along with 
> > my wife?  I'm not sure about the "movement" now. I won't 
> > do TM because I smoke marijuana and the two don't mix I'm 
> > told so I don't know what to do?
> I no longer practice TM and haven't for many decades.
> And I no longer remember at what age kids are allowed
> to learn the "walking technique" that was once avail-
> able. It's up to you, of course, as to whether you'd
> like your wife and daughter to learn, but if it's been
> a few years since you checked the *prices*, you might
> be in for a rude shock. If you do a Web search in your
> area, I'm pretty sure you will find some other forms
> of meditation (most of which, in my opinion, are just
> as effective and just as valuable as TM) for a lot
> less money, and carrying a lot less baggage.
> As for the marijuana thing, I don't see that "the two
> don't mix." I honestly believe that the injunction
> on smoking grass for two weeks prior to learning TM
> was mainly a power trip on the part of the TM organ-
> ization, combined with a desire to distance itself
> from the hippie phenomenon that was prevalent when
> TM first became popular. That said, grass and other
> psychedelics *do* affect your consciousness, and
> thus will have some effect on meditation. But I know
> a LOT of people who meditate *and* smoke grass, and
> have suffered no ill effects from doing so. 
The only thing I'd add here is that smoking dope won't result in ill 
effects when practicing TM, but your experiences won't be very 
clear, so if you want a better start to meditation, probably best to 
lay off for a couple weeks. 

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