Because it's grown controversial, I'm watching 
'Apocalypto' a second time. It's just fascinating
to me that people managed to make this film
controversial, just because the actions of its
director were controversial.

Duh. Don't these twits know *anything* about Mel
Gibson, and the movies he makes?

Mel is a ROMANTIC. 'Apocalypto' is a LOVE STORY.

It's not about the fall of an earlier culture. 
It's not about the arrival of Christianity on
the shores of that culture. It's not about Mel
getting drunk and saying shit that he shouldn't
have said. 

It's about Jaguar Paw and Seven being in love
with each other, and holding onto that love in
times of adversity. 

I mean, duh.

In my opinion, anyone who takes a lovingly-made
story of courage and, yes, love, and twists 
that into a forum for their hatreds is more
than a little twisted themselves.

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