> ------ Original Message ------
> Received: Mon, 26 Feb 2007 09:34:26 AM PST
> Subject: E-NEWS 2/26/07 [radio station news from Fairfield]

Weather Announcements and Power Outages

Power Outages Create Sewer Bypasses in Fairfield

Weather-related power outages have caused bypasses of sewage in at
least two eastern Iowa cities, the most serious occurring in Fairfield. By
early Saturday evening, Fairfield was still without electricity. Bypassing
of sewage was taking place in Crow Creek from pumping stations and
generators were being used to prevent sewage from backing up in the plant.

"This is a potentially serious situation because if the plant backs up with
wastewater, significant damage could occur to the electrical equipment
inside," said Russell Royce, an environmental specialist for the DNR's field
office in Washington.

Although bypassing of sewage is never a desirable situation, it does
sometimes have to be done if the result could be to have sewage back up into
private homes and businesses which would create a greater risk to human

It is anticipated, because of the weather-related power outages, that
additional bypassing of sewage could occur in affected hours due to the
combination of lost power shutting down pumps and the increased flow because
of precipitation.


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