--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: On Behalf Of authfriend
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] 4 Post Notice (was Re: ++Attack++)
> > Rick? gullible fool? Alex? Could you clarify,
> > please? Do "process" posts concerning the new rules
> > count toward the five-posts-a-day total?
> Let's say they don't but please don't overdo it.
> > Perhaps one of you could make a formal post
> > explaining the whole thing in detail so as to
> > eliminate any confusion.
> No time today. And I'm flying by the seat of my pants 
> with this.

In my fourth post of the day, whatever you 
decide :-), I'm still a proponent of keeping
the five-posts-a-day rule fairly rigid, and
moving someone to moderated status the minute
they go over that rigid limit. I explained my
reasons for this in my previous ( third :-)
post of the day.

Here's a suggestion -- why do the "ATTACK"
posts have to be posts? Couldn't they just as
easily be emails to the moderators? Same with
requests for clarification. Emailing the mod-
erators is an easy option from the FFL Web
viewer, and could easily be learned by those
who are reading the list in email.

Why I'm suggesting this is that the "ATTACK"
posts (if they remain *posts* and not emails)
are JUST ANOTHER ATTACK. They'll pollute
Fairfield Life with more and more claims that 
"Bobby threw sand on me" or whatever. If such
things are handled in email, the moderators
can easily deal with the complaint and take 
action against the offender (if such action is
deemed necessary), and the possibility of using 
the "ATTACK" posts as a forum in which TO attack
has been removed.

You've been concerned about the "overhead" of
instituting this policy, Rick, and trying to
balance it against what you're trying to accom-
plish. I think that taking an Occam's Razor
approach may be your best bet. Five posts per
member per day, no exceptions. All complaints
of having been "attacked" or asking for clari-
fication on the rules to be handled in email.
It sounds simple to me, but you and Alex and
gullible_fool are the ones who have to do the
work, so it's your decision. I leave you to it.

By the way, I think that this is a *marvelous*
idea, and am going to do my utmost to abide by
not only the rules themselves but the intent
behind them. Fairfield Life used to be a lovely
place, and I have done my share to make it less
of one. I will try not to repeat those mistakes
in the future.

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