Pandit Llundrub - Some of my messages are interesting, if I may say so myself. I've been trashed real good by Judy, the two Barry's, Mr. Perino, and Mr. Manning, not to mention Lon P. Stacks and the Asshole Nick, but I don't take offense. In fact, I welcome the trashing because that let's me get my own karma under control.
It's a form of tapas and I take great pride in my siddhi accomplishments. You see, I belong to an obscure sect in India that prides itself on saying things in public that gets one trashed - it's a sadhana meant to help other people get rid of their own karma. So, I don't resent the trashing, I thank them for it. Some people just feel better when they have someone to talk to. Apparently you and I are on the same path! This fellow is at the Center of the Universe - still on the program, meditating regularly during all the International meditating times and avidly flying and rounding every weekend. I'm about a mile from the Maharishi Golden Dome at Radience, Texas, the TM Ideal Village, home of the Superradience Program. On a clear day the view from up here is great - I can see all the way to Barsana Dham, the seat of the Rasavada and Srimati Radharani, one of the largest Hindu temples outside Mother India, where the Swami Prakashanand Saraswati sits and gives discourses. The Swami is one of the last direct disciples of our Guru Dev, who are still living. My words are recorded more to remind myself of my own earthliness, rather than to convey and inform. Up here, words almost fail in their ability to describe the sense of order and coherence that I sometimes feel, an almost transcendental awareness of calm. Here I sit, up on Joe Friday Mountain, my laptop by my side, fully convinced that I have realized my very own personal zone of tranquility. Anyway, if you ever get out to my place, we will have plenty of time to worship the Great Wheel of Time, Kala Chakra, and just sit on the porch and watch the moon climb over the mountain. Otherwise, you can be dialoging with this fellow on Usenet. However, I must warn you - don't feed it. The Confessions of a Taco Eater: Reflections on the Transcendent: At the Center of the Universe: Or, you can be going to Google Groups and key in willytex, without the words RE: and OT:, then, key in IF <meditation> THEN <maharishi> OR <willytex> ELSE <guru dev>.