My compassion takes the form of tough love sometimes. If I hated her or felt
nothing I would have ignored her. I suspect that the same is true of you.
And Vaj and others. Silence is noncaring. Interaction, for better or worse
shows willingness to change, or be changed through the contact, or at very
least, to collude in a thought or two! I just worry that for poor Judy there
will be no real transformation in this life into someone who might become a
chakravartin rather than a chakrafartin.

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 5:02 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Addiction, and compassion for it

--- In, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, "llundrub" <llundrub@> wrote:
> >
> > What the fuck are you going on about are you still ranting 
> > from this morning. You're sick in the head!
> Compassion, dude. Were you ever so strung out on 
> heroin that you had to "kick?"
> That's what's going on. 
> She's so desperate to post and slam someone (her
> drug of choice) that she shoots her entire wad
> for the day before 10:00 a.m. in the morning.
> And then she sits there -- quivering, shaking,
> going through withdrawal, waiting till midnight
> Fairfield time so she can "fix" again. 
> It's really pretty sad, when you think about it.
> She's been harboring that anger and that resent-
> ment towards Rick for FOURTEEN HOURS now,
> waiting until midnight, when she can "strike back" 
> and be "herself" again.
> If you'd ever worked with addicts, you'd recog-
> nize the syndrome...

I'm following up on this post because I suspect
that some here will think that it's Just Another
Attack Against Judy. I don't think it is. I think 
that addiction is the *correct* metaphor to use
in her case.

It's not just the fourteen hours she sat stewing
over Rick "cutting her off" that's the issue here.
It's the OVER TWELVE YEARS she's been 
cultivating and feeding this drug habit of hers.

In just under two years Judy has made 8731 posts
to Fairfield Life. That is an average of over 13
posts per DAY, and constitutes 6.4% of the 
TOTAL number of posts made to this forum in 
its just-under-seven-year history.

Over on Google (Usenet), she made over 15,600 
posts in twelve years, and that's counting only 
one of her IDs. 


And now she's been forced into "rehab." Is there
some *resistance* there? Well, duh.

Instead of 13 shots of heroin a day, she's been
limited to 5. Her body is going through withdrawal.
And her mind is going through terror, because if
she continues to "push the envelope" by ignoring
the posting limits here, she'll be placed under
moderation and *none* of her "gotta defend TM and
TMers and Maharishi and above all my own reputation 
at all costs" posts are going to get through.

And if that happens, there is nowhere for her to go.

She can't go back to alt.meditation.transcendental.
That would be too much of an admission of defeat
even for her. TM-Free has already caught on to her
act, so that's not really a viable forum for her,

So yes, I think that addiction and withdrawal from
that addiction is *exactly* the right metaphor. And
as much as we'd like Fairfield Life to revert to
relative civility overnight, as Rick says that just
ain't gonna happen. 

Judy will continue to waste her five posts a day 
fighting imaginary battles against imaginary enemies
because she's got a HABIT, man. And she's been 
*forced* into rehab; she didn't check in of her
own volition. Even though the new policy is a Done
Deal, and almost everyone else here seems happy with
it, she'll keep bitching about it, and attacking Rick
for implementing it, and trying to pretend that what
she's bitching about is the ineffective nature of
the new policy, and that it doesn't really stop the
arguing and the trashing.

News flash -- most of the arguing and the trashing is 
coming from HER, and now everyone on Fairfield Life
can see that for themselves. That's not what she's
really upset about, although she'll keep claiming
that it is. What she's really upset about is that she's
been CUT OFF FROM HER SUPPLY. Rick shot her dealer.
The dude's lying dead in the street in a pool of 
blood. And Judy is panicking because she doesn't know
where her next fix is coming from.

So I really think some compassion is in order. She
*isn't* going to change, in my opinion. For as long
as she is allowed to remain on this forum she will
use it as heroin to feed her addiction. The nature
of HER posts will not change. It should be obvious
to everyone here at this point that she CAN'T change.

But we can. Treat her with the same compassion you
would show to a heroin addict. As Richard Williams
says, "Don't feed it." Judy LIVES to defend herself
against "attacks," real or imagined. Those attacks, 
and the high she gets from retaliating against them,
are her drug of choice. CUT HER OFF, for her own
good. Don't give her any more excuses to feed an
addiction that is killing her. 

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