Vedic technology displayed at world's largest IT trade fair
by Global Good News staff writer

Global Good News  
27 March 2007

A banner displaying the slogan, 'We Make Germany Invincible' 
attracted a great deal of attention at CeBIT, the world's largest 
trade fair showcasing digital IT and telecommunication systems. 
Hannover, Germany hosts CeBIT each year, providing an international 
platform where latest innovations are shared by industry and service 
sectors, wholesale and retail markets, skilled trades, banks, 
government agencies, and technology users. The current fair is the 
largest ever held, with 6,000 exhibitors from 77 nations. 

German representatives of the Global Country of World Peace welcomed 
the many visitors gathering under the 'We Make Germany Invincible' 
banner. A national television network filmed the exhibition, which 
included a live demonstration of brain wave coherence enlivened 
through the practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique. Tens 
of thousands of pamphlets on TM were given to visitors. Teachers of 
Transcendental Meditation explained how Germany can be made 
invincible through Yogic Flying. A retired BMW manager from Munich 
gave a radio interview on the benefits of Transcendental Meditation 
for the corporate world. 

Dr Alarik Arenander, an international neuroscientist at Maharishi 
University of Management in America and an expert in research on 
Transcendental Meditation, explained to visitors how this simple 
technique optimizes brain functioning. Visitors could see the unique 
ordering, or coherence, in brain wave patterns when an individual 
sits to meditate. Young people from many countries were fascinated by 
this demonstration; many had heard of TM previously but were seeing 
the physiological effects for the first time. 

The display attracted enthusiastic response from a broad spectrum of 
visitors: an American school principal from Washington state asked 
how he could introduce the TM programme in his school; a businessman 
from Saudi Arabia asked how it could be implemented for more profit 
in industry; and a medical student wanted to know how soon he could 
learn Transcendental Meditation. 

Several aspects of Maharishi's Vedic Science were on display, 
including charts on Vedic Education, Vedic Physiology, the Cosmic 
Constitution, the Raam (global development currency of the Global 
Country of World Peace), and Maharishi Sthapatya Veda (Vedic 

For information about Maharishi's six-point programme to create a 
healthy, happy, prosperous society and a peaceful world, please 
visit: Global Financial Capital of New York. 

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