Nothing went wrong for Maharishi. He has been a total success. Even the
Rolling Stones lose fans with each new album. Consider their past hits, at
almost two albums a year for their whole career, and yet, now they cannot
get airplay. It's just the changing of the times and the fact of an
anachronism hanging onto previous glory. Nothing really has changed but the
audience and its appreciation. Moreover, even had the Stones kept following
previous hits with new versions it would not have gathered a return of the
old audience because the times change and people want to feel the cutting
edge. )(paragraph break ..!..)

The failure is more of MIU and Fairfield. If a failure it is. Many people
would not consider the superradiance numbers a standard or litmus for
success, but rather the daily quality of living, and I bet that in FF that
has developed for many, while diminishing for some. There is nothing
Maharishi could in fact do besides dissolve 'the band' and start over. Which
in fact he has tried to do over and over. Of course that also has its own
risks such as facing the obscurity of inconsistency. 

Maharishi and I would reckon most Hindu gurus are becoming a thing of the
past as we see how Hinduism when taken on by Westerners is a weak façade of
spirituality.  More nonsectarian gurus from India are now leading the way,
and seva has taken the place of spiritual selfishness of sitting in samadhi
for countless hours while ones children are running wild from lack of
quality attention. 

The reality is that FF and MIU and Maharishi have been a total success as
evidenced by the previous acolytes growing up and moving on. No parent will
consider themselves a success if their children reach adulthood and still
hang on to their mother's apron. The children must become responsible and
leave the nest.  That's what has happened. And the especially recalcitrant
needed a hard kick out the door. 

Finally those chicks who cannot fly buy the whole nest egg and stay near
Momma Hen. The only problem as I see it is that patent absurdity of having
the Movement leaders as spiritual arbiters. But my disbelief is not
anothers. And some will follow Bevan and Haeglen into hell. But then some
also will follow Bush into hell, or the Pope, or even the neighborhood crack
dealer. There's no accounting for sense. And when it comes down to it, a
person's litmus for success is not shared by another. 

Success to me is the fact that I escaped the Movement and found myself in my
own way and my own time. Success for me is having my health to sit by my
wife and watch TV during a few hours off from work, where I call the shots
and get respect for being an artist. Maharishi, FF, MUM, and all the
spiritual mentors on Earth have not a whit to do with my rating of success. 

Ranking numbers in the dome is merely spiritual materialism for people who
have no finer senses with which to peruse the spirit planes for themselves.
Rather they need, as always, someone else to tell them what is right and
wrong, what is success and what is failure.  The fact that one recalcitrant
person moved to FF at this late date to attend the domes still shows pulling
power. Which should not be discounted. Success is still forthcoming. Failure
is a merely personal lack of understanding.

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of dhamiltony2k5
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 9:15 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] What could he have said or done?

What could Maharishi have done or said to bring meditators back to 
the domes and group meditation,to get the numbers needed, even way 
back last summer when this latest TM course started?

Is interesting that even with even with paying people to meditate, 
bringing by the hundreds hire-ling student pandits from India, giving 
the sidhi's away in exchange for practicing in the domes, they can 
not get the numbers in the dome.

" According to the plan I (Raja W.) have mentioned before, another 
500 Pandits will be arriving over the next few months, bringing the 
total here to 1,000. This number of Pandits will assure that there 
will always be more than the Super Radiance number of 1732 Yogic 
Flyers necessary to maintain permanent invincibility for America."

Mayor and 'Raja' Wynne says it and confirms it all right there.

Strong commentary on the predicament of Maharishi at the end.  Where 
did his meditators go?  Used to be thousands would show up on a phone 
call.  Now, a few hundreds?

What could he have said or done otherwise to get this going with his 
old TM'er movement?  What went wrong for Maharishi?

-Doug in FF

> Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2007
> From: Raja Wynne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Vedic Pandit Update #3
>   [Global Country of World Peace]
> Dear Supporters of Permanent Invincibility for America,
> I wanted to let you know that 133 more Vedic Pandits from India 
will be
> arriving next week and settling into their new campus in Maharishi 
> City. That will make a total of 505 Vedic Pandits here contributing 
> creating an invincible America through their Yogic Flying and Vedic
> routine.
> According to the plan I have mentioned before, another 500 Pandits 
> be arriving over the next few months, bringing the total here to 
> This number of Pandits will assure that there will always be more 
> the Super Radiance number of 1732 Yogic Flyers necessary to maintain
> permanent invincibility for America.
> The new Pandit campus in Maharishi Vedic City is now ready to take 
> next group of 133, and homes for another 100 Pandits will be ready 
> occupancy in April. Now that the weather is improving, we should be 
> to accommodate the remaining 400 new Pandits shortly after that.
> Below are photos of the recently completed dining room and program 
> on the new campus, and a photo of a typical Pandit bedroom.
>   [Photo1]   New Pandit dining room   [Photo2]   Flying hall on
> new Pandit campus    [Photo2]   Typical Pandit bedroom
> In order to complete the housing for the remaining 400 Pandits we
> continue to need your assistance. Once they are here, their monthly
> expenses are covered, like for all Invincible America Assembly grant
> participants, with a $600 per month grant from the Howard and Alice
> Settle Foundation for an Invincible America. But the cost of
> constructing housing for the Pandits, and other costs like airfare 
> visa costs, are not covered by the grant. We currently have a 
> grant from a donor for $100,000, so now is a doubly good time to 
make a
> contribution for the Pandit housing. Please go to either Global 
> of World Peace 
> <> or 
> Vedic City
> <>  to 
> a secure online contribution, or send a check to Global Country of 
> Peace 2000 Capital Boulevard, Maharishi Vedic City, IA 52556, or 
> Hall, 1973 Grand Drive, Maharishi Vedic City, IA 52556. If you have 
> questions or would like an update, please call 800 373 9664.
> Thank you very much for helping to secure a peaceful and prosperous
> America for yourself, your family, and the nation.
> Jai Guru Dev.
> Raja Wynne
> Mayor of Maharishi Vedic City and
> Raja of Maharishi Vedic America

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